Hometown - Soobin [part 3] 🔞

Start from the beginning

I flick the fuzz off my finger. "No, I'm not mad at you..."

"Then what's the matter, baby? Talk to me..."

I swallow back the knot at my throat, sighing out softly. "This is hard- I miss you..."

"I know, baby..." he whispers back. I hear shuffling as he sits up on his bed. "I'm trying really hard-"

"I know you are, Binnie," I say, swiping my bangs back away from my face. "I just wonder sometimes if I'm cut out for this long distance thing..."

He stays quiet, just breathing. The silence between us feels heavy, like the 200 miles between us is 200 pounds.

"I'm just being honest, Soobin... you asked me, so I'm telling you," I say, trying to get my voice to be a little clearer.

He sighs. "I understand, Danbi..."

We both stay quiet again, listening to each other's breathing.

"How can I make it easier on you, baby?" he asks, his voice soft and sweet again.

I feel the knot in my throat. "I don't know, Binnie... I just want to have you here..." The tears well up in my eyes, but I don't want to cry. I've cried enough for him. I don't want to anymore. I gave us a chance again because I want to be happy.

I signed up for this.

"I'll be there in four days, baby," he says sweetly. "Can you wait for me for four more days?"

I nod silently, swallowing back my tears. "I can..."

"Good," he smiles. "Do you have my hoodie there?"

"Yeah, it's right here-"

"Okay, hug it- real tight," he says, his voice bright and sweet. I do as he says, hugging his black hoodie to my chest. The scent of the cologne I gave him back when we were in high school brings me back to afternoons spent in his room, tangled in each other's arms. "Are you hugging it?"

"Mhmm," I nod, closing my eyes, just focusing on his voice.

"Okay, now imagine I'm there, caressing your hair..."

I hug my knees tighter to my chest, doing everything I can to feel his warm hand on my head. I know he's not here, but I feel him here with me.

"I kiss your forehead and you lay your head on my chest... I put my arm around your shoulder and hold you close..."

I smile, leaning my head on the sofa as if it were Soobin's chest. "That's nice... I can't wait to see you..."

"Just four more days," he says softly. I can picture his dimpled smile. "And then I'll kiss you for real..." his voice gets soft and breathy again,

I smirk, hearing the suggestion in his voice. "Is that all you'd do?"

He giggles, getting shy all of a sudden. "No-"

"Then tell me..."

He swallows, laughing nervously for a moment.

"It's okay, Binnie- I live alone, remember?" we giggle together as I sit back on the sofa and relax, sliding my hand between my legs. "Should I start?"

"Yes, baby..." he says, exhaling softly.

"I'd kiss all the way down your belly..." I whisper, hearing his breathing get heavy. "Stop at the edge of your boxers... drag my tongue down below your belly button-" his breath hitches and I know he's touching himself.

"I'd pull your pants all the way down... and kiss up your thigh.."

His soft moans travel inside my ear, turning me on. I rub my clothed center, listening to his heavy breathing. "Take your cock into my hand... rub my lips around the head..."

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