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Abby's character...

(Yes, I know I've used her before. Shhh...)

(My form may be slightly out of order, I'm sorry. I couldn't look at it while writing this)



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(1) Full name: Anne Charlotte Leighton

Preferred name: Anne

(2) Birthday/Zodiac sign/Age: February 17th, Aquarius, 15

(3) Gender/pronouns: Female, she/her 

(4) Sexuality: Straight/Asexual

(5) Stereotype: "The Shy Girl"/"The Sweet One"

(6) Love interest: William Caulder 

(7) Personality: Anne is very shy and doesn't open up right away. She's incredibly book smart, and reads constantly, meaning she knows a ton of random facts. She's a perfectionist, and, while she may not think her own work is very good, she always sees the beauty and good in others. She's always looking for the positive, and constantly trying to cheer people up. Once she gets to know someone she opens up. Anne isn't a big fan of a lot of attention but loves to talk privately to people one on one. She's quite graceful, both with interacting with others and movements.

Anne is very loyal, and would never abandon anyone, no matter the pressure or harm it could cause her. She's always overthinking things, and doesn't think she's worth much; she always places others above herself and encourages them to place themselves above her.

(8) Backstory: Anne has always tried to be the 'perfect princess'. She wanted her parents to notice her, to praise her, to love her. But they never did--busy with work and other matters. As a result, Anne often feels incredibly lonely, though she'd never admit to it. She still strives to be that perfect princess, though she doubts her parents will ever notice her.

(9) Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, dancing (ballet, which takes up a lot of her time)

(10) Likes: Books/libraries, learning, stars/moon/nighttime

(11) Dislikes: Crowds, loud noises, parties (though she puts up a good front for her parents' balls)

(12) Fears: Most people, suffocating darkness, water (she can't swim, and has refused to learn since an incident when she was young)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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