chapter five

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Venus sat beside Eli in the library, struggling with her algebra homework. "You have to multiply on both sides." Eli said, pointing at the equation.

"What, why?" She asked with a frown. "You have to keep both sides equal." She groaned, slamming her head down on the table. "I don't understand this."

Eli chuckled at the girl. "Just try again V." She sighed but picked up her pencil again.

She typed every step into her calculator, no matter how simple it was. He smiled as he watched her try to solve the problem. His crush on her was only growing bigger.

"Is that right?" She asked, sliding her paper to him. "It's closer then last time." He told her with a soft smile.

Her face fell as the bell rang. "I'm gonna fail." She whined. "We can get together after school." He suggested as he grabbed his backpack.

"Really? Oh you're the best Eli." She exclaimed hugging the boy. He blushed but hugged her back.

Moon stood in the doorway of the library, a glare set on the pair. "You're glaring." The brunettequickly looked away at the voice of Honey.

"I'm not." She said quickly. Honey chuckled. "I know you like her Moon, we all do." The brunette's eyes widened slightly, but she stayed silent. "She kissed me the other day."

Now that shocked Honey. "Really? I always thought she liked you but she never said anything." Moon laughed sarcastically. "Well she's great at that because she hasn't even mentioned it."

"Trust me she likes you, she just doesn't realize that she actually should tell you." Honey assured the girl.

Moon wanted to believe the blonde but she saw the way that Venus looked at Eli. "See you after school?" Eli asked the blonde. "Yeah, I miss hanging out with you Eli."

Venus skipped over to Moon with a smile. "Ready to go die in biology?" Moon smiled down at the girl, forgetting about Eli. "We don't really have a choice do we?"

"Thanks for the blow pop guys. Really never gets old." Sam said sarcastically as the filled with laughs.

"Hey everybody, who let the pigs out?" Their teacher announced. Venus and Moon shared an unamused look. "I did because I ordered the fetal pigs." He laughed.

"Who wants to take Samantha in?" The teacher asked. Sam looked to the pair hopefully but she returned with harsh glares. "Don't all volunteer at once."

The class stayed silent until Miguel offered to take her. "Thank you." Sam smiled at the boy, sending  glare to the girls as she passed them.

"Why is she mad at us?" Venus scoffed. "She's the one that totally went against like all aspects of girls code." 

Moon shrugged. "Cause she's a spoiled brat who thinks she owns the world." Venus's eyes went wide at how loud Moon said it but she couldn't help laughing.

"Girls, start working." The teacher said sternly when he saw the two talking.

Venus and Moon both stared at the dead animals in disgust. "We should've skipped today." Moon said. "Definitely."


"You sure you wanna got to your house?" Eli asked as they walked towards Venus's house. "Yeah, my mom's at some work gala tonight." She told him, happy he still remembered she didn't like being home.

The pair sat on her bed as the made their way through her algebra homework. "Okay so first get x on the other side." He told her. She nodded, following along as he told her what the steps were. "Then you just have to get it by itself.

"You did it, v. It's right." Eli grinned as he checked over her homework. "Seriously?" Her eyes lit up as he nodded. The girl leaned in and kissed him. 

"V?" The pair pulled away at the hurt voice of Moon. "Hey Moony." Venus smiled, walking over and hugging the brunette.

Eli and Moon both watched the girl in confusion. "Come sit." She said, pulling Moon onto the bed with her and Eli. "Did you just kiss him?" Moon asked the girl.

"Yeah, why?" Venus shrugged. "Cause you kissed me like four days ago." Moon snapped. Eli looked at the blonde with sad eyes. "Really?"

Venus rolled her eyes. "Guys calm down. I got you both here for a reason." Moon and Eli shared a look of uncertainty as she spoke. "I like both of you." 

"We gathered that V." Moon said, unsure of what Venus was trying to do. "Yeah, but you know, I don't wanna choose between you guys." She explained. 

Moons eyes went wide at her words but Eli was still confused. "Did you just suggest what I think you did?" Venus nodded at her friend.  "So?" Moon shook her head but smiled. "It's crazy but if it makes you happy, I think I could get used to it."

The girls looked over to Eli, waiting for his response. "I'm a little behind here." He admitted. "What's going on?"

"V wants us to be a couple." Moon told him. "All three of us?" He asked the girls shocked. They nodded. His eyes went wide at the idea. Date both of them? "I, uh, I-I, well..." He stuttered.

The pair giggled at his reaction. "It's okay if you say no." Venus told him. He shook his head. "No, well, yes. I want to." He finally got out. "Oh this is great." The blonde cheered hugging them both. 

Moon and Eli were still a little unsure about the idea. Of course they loved Venus, but they barely knew each other. Though they both wanted the girl happy. They assumed if Venus loved the other, they could too.


The three sat in Moon's car at the strip mall. "Thanks for the ride Moon, you didn't have to." Eli said softly to the girl, still shy around her.

"Hey, it's no problem. We're together now, I can give you a ride whenever." Moon told him with a small smile. "Are you sure you want to do karate though?" Venus asked, looking at the sign on the window. "Yeah, we don't really vibe with that violence stuff." Moon added.

He chuckled. "I at least wanna try, Miguel said his sensei is really cool." He told the girls. "Well if anyone hurts you let us know." Venus told him. "We'll kick their ass." Moon added on.

"It's karate, I'll probably get a little hurt." Venus sighed sharing a look with Moon. "Fine, but don't let them mess you up to bad." He smiled. "We need our boy in one piece." The girls leaned into the backseat, each kissing the boy.

"We'll be here to pick you up okay?" Moon called out the window. Eli gave the girls a thumbs up as the car pulled away. "Bye!" Venus yelled, blowing him a kiss.

Miguel waited outside the dojo for Eli, watching his interaction with the girls in shock. "Was that Venus and Moon?" He asked Eli. "Yeah." He answered with a smile. "Their my girlfriends now."


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