Chap. 13 Ashtem's Son, David Glass

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At the rooftop :

Valtina : Oh hey Emily!

Emily : Oh Tina chan!

Valtina : Im sorry,  it seems like my mom still wouldn't give Valt to attend here.. But she will give him tomorrow if she feels like he get rest 100% and healed... Since Valt still act like he's fine when he's not...

Emily : P-poor him.. I feel so sorry to him.. Its okay I understand. Its not like school is the only place I could meet him though. It just feel different. But I hope he'll be okay 100% and take rest very very well...

Valtina : Yeah.. well...

Flashback yesterday...

Valt : " But.. Mom! I can go to school now! I cant wait to meet them all! Shu! Akane!Emily! Rantaro and the others! "

Chiharu : " I know darling but you still need to take rest and stay calm You have full energy and keep making noise and... From what I heard from doctor, you didn't rest very well and thats make me worried. "

Valt : " Mom thats nice of you! But Im not a baby anymore..! I can do it myself! It's also my fault for not looking where I was going during the incident... I promise I will be careful next time ! "

Chiharu : " *sighs* Valt, I know that you're not a baby anymore, but that doesn't mean I should let you. I still need to care about you cz you're still my son. We all love you. Thats why I asked you to rest very well and I understand that you really wanted to meet your friends , but maybe they also want you to rest too. So please listen, okay? "

- Valt just look down and stay silent -

Chiharu : " If not then no beybread "


- Valt started to act positive agai. Chiharu actually glad that her son is still active and stay positive as usual. The other siblings just spying them behind the door and chuckled slightly -

End Flashback ~

Valtina : Anddds thats what happened..

Akane : I mean, we all want each other to be healed, stay safe, stay positive and in a good health ... He shouldn't force himself to just to meet us...

Shu : Yeah.. it's not like we dont want to meet him. He's one of important person.

Emily : Please tell him that.. I wish him please stay positive and stay in the pink!

Valtina : He probably doesn't know what does " in the pink " mean and accidentally wears and turn pink😂 Anyway I'll tell him after school dont worry!

Nika : Anyway, our mom asked us to bring some beybread today, so lets enjoy it!

Toko : Yeah! Like usual , our mom's bread is the best!

Rantaro : I cant wait! Give me one!!

Silas : Hey furst come first serve!

Toko : Chill you guys there's still more!!

- They all then enjoy their lunch with beybread and smiled. -

- Somewhere behind the school building...

Enora : So, you found it?

Racheal : No, it seems like Ashtem hide it very well.. even myself couldn't find it.. But ill be looking at it again. Im hungry

Enora : Glad I already take your bento under your desk

Racheal : What?! So you're the one took it?! I thought someone stole it!

Enora : Geez calm down girl its not like Im gonna eat them all since I have mine

Racheal : Well I dont ask you to! 💢

Enora : Girl appreciate someone at least help you so you wouldn't go to the class

Racheal : Tch fine

??? : " I thought you both were doing the plan?? "

- Suddenly a voice that they bith recognized appeared from behind -

Racheal : Ugh David not you again

Enora : So he's the one you said... Son of Mr Ashtem..?

Racheal : Tch.. Yea and annoying

David : As villian you shouldn't do this, you should go do your job immediately , as fast as you should and not hanging around like the others

Racheal : Hey listen bij we're hungry okayy ?! Plus Ive been looking that book that your father asked me to almost half and hour! So don't think that Im just hanging around like an idiot! 💢

David : Huh, did he tell you abouth any secret key that hidden somewhere in the library ?

Racheal : For some reason I dont find any clue, secret key or books. He just only ask me to look for the book, no more than that

David : *facepalms* I expected this gonna happen...

Racheal : Why what's wrong? I did anything wrong?!

Enora : Racheal calm down. He's probably here to help us okay since he's good in this..

David : I expected that my father didn't tell you anything.. He really expected us to do all job and think by ourselves.. He shouldn't treat you guys like you've been with him for 10 years..

Racheal : Then tell us what he didn't so we can finish this task! 💢

David : You must find ' that secret key ".. its not like it's a key..  more like if you pull it it'll show where's the book you're looking for

Enora : So like,,,  example if we find a book or something then we pull it,  it'll show where it is?

David : Correct. It's hidden somewhere in the library. It's white.

Racheal : Feels like I've seen something unusual inside of the library.. We'll look for it again after the lunch. We're hungry very much right now

David : *laughs evilly* alright then. You better look for it so you guys can reach your goals , also him.

Enora : But..  you didn't want to roast them too?

David : My problem isn't with girls, they seem have no problem to me. So I left them be. But the only things bother me is those boys, especially Shu Kurenai, Free de la hoya and some strongest blader and smartest student.

Racheal : Why Shu? Why you wanted to roast him?! He didn't do anything wrong, he's kind!

David : Kind? Hah! Just remember how he rejected your confession, such a shame. You still love him even though he rejected you?

Racheal : W-well.. at least he didn't use any rude word! He still use kind way to express it even the point is negative respons.. ! Dont hurt him!

David : Huh whatsoever, it's my problem , not you , so dont bother my plan and I wouldn't bother you but help you. Isn't that big deal?

Enora : He's right. It's his enemies , not us.

Racheal : What ever it is, you wouldn't do it!

David : Yeah yeah whatever cry baby, I should leave now rather than talk to you. I gotta do my job.

Enora : weren't you supposed to be at your school?

David : Im taking break for a week. My father allows it

Enora : Well.. thats make sense..

- David with hands on his pocket leave them and waved from behind only one hand. After what he said to Racheal, she started to feel bother and mad. Even though she knew that Shu rejected her. She plan to restart it again so she could win Shu's heart before someone else. -
- Enora just sitting next to her,  staring at the both while eating onigiri -

To Be Continued...

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