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My head is filled
Thoughts that would want me dead
Not physically but mentally said
Why oh why am I this obsessed

Academic validation, Isn't that funny?
I am not even pressured by my family
Then why does my head crave for
A validation that is worth my soul and more

I'm too young to understand
That is what I heard from others
Sucks to be labeled absurd
When they're only higher by numbers

See how pathetically stupid I am
Just because I'm ruined by my thoughts
Aren't they the ones who made me lost?
Destroyers acting superior, what a great sum

Public opinion didn't matter
But ignoring made me stupider
Past self wouldn't have imagined
I'd be ruined by things we once forgotten

Writing a poem in this dark night
I'm forcing myself with the belief
That even with only inspiration I can fight
But no one told me this war was an endless sight.

But you see,
Public thinks I'm thinking too much
Thinking mature even with stupid thoughts
Can't they shut up and let me be?
Isn't that as easy as counting one, two, three

I guess it's human nature
I can't stop them any further
I also can't ignore like before
I'll simply listen but won't matter

I'd be dead if I weren't this tough of a thinker
I could've given up if I weren't this of a listener
Thanks to my so called mature state
I'll live my life with a much more absolute fate

I can write my views of public away
But I can't lessen the offense
That they have given and might say
I'll stay as myself, and be my own defense
And I'll only follow my own way

This was one of my first poems, and as you may have read, I suck at writing.


Depths of a Sensible Mind: Thoughts that Wanted to Show Up.Where stories live. Discover now