More Questions, No Answers

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Kirito reaches for the pair of blades on his back. “Everyone ready? Let’s go!”


“We did it.” Ten minutes later, Koharu and friends have defeated their enemies. Sheathing her dagger, she turns to Alice and holds her fist out. “Good work, Alice.”

Alice looks at the fist questionably, confused as to what Koharu’s doing, then she realizes it and connects. “Yes, you two. A fighting prowess worthy of the legend told of you.”

“Uh, thanks?”

“That was a perfect battle plan, Asuna,” Silica says to Asuna as her group joins Koharu’s. Asuna nods as she sheaths her rapier. Alice speaks of Koharu’s ability, but the real heroine of the moment is Asuna. It was her quick thinking, battle experience, and leadership ability that got them through it, a skill no one here but her possesses. Koharu wouldn’t have been able to think that fast or spill an order so forcefully under pressure. She’s never been in that situation. She usually followed Asuna, Kirito, or Jaymes’ orders back in SAO. The one time she was a leader back about a week and a half ago, Koharu did the best she could, but Lisbeth usually took verbal charge.

“Nice job, everyone,” Kirito says. “Let’s keep going--”


“Premiere!” Eyes turn on Premiere as she begins to clutch her head, her cries alarming them. Koharu slides and catches Premiere before she collapses, holding her on her shoulder as she kneels to the ground. “Premiere, what’s wrong? Kirito, what should we do?”

“I don’t…” Kirito trails off as he turns to his right, his brow dropping tensely. “It’s the masked NPC…” Koharu and the rest look back to the hooded NPC, who somehow appeared in the graveyard now of all times. She keeps her distance, her true sight hidden from the players.

“Ah… You’re suffering, too.”

“What’s that supposed to mean,” Kirito asks. The masked NPC doesn’t answer and turns away. Annoyed by this, Kirito grits his teeth and runs towards her. “Hey!” As he gets close, he’s suddenly stopped by her giant sword resting on his shoulder, the edge prickling against his neck.

“Do not attempt to continue any further. Heed my warning, or I will end you here and now. The problem is mine to solve… It has nothing to do with you. I will cut off the source myself.” Retracting her blade, the NPC heads off, leaving the players stunned.

Klein looks down to the girl on Koharu’s shoulder. “What is with that NPC? What did she mean ‘cut off the source’?”

“Beats me… Never mind that now, though. Is Premiere okay?”

Asuna shakes her head. “She’s still in a lot of pain. We should take her back to town.”



30 minutes later, Town of Beginnings

As Asuna, Yui, and Koharu walk down to the inn’s lobby towards them, the other girls, Klein, and Kirito turn their heads attentively. “How’s the patient,” Lisbeth inquires.

“She’s still unconscious,” Asuna answers. “We’ve got her set up in a comfy bed in the room I’m renting, at least.”

“I believe she’s entered a sleep mode of sorts in order to restore all her data,” Yui diagnoses. “What could have happened to her?”

Abyss of the Shrine MaidenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant