A walk in the moonlight

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Your all time favorite thing to do with your boyfriend Arny is going to a coffee shop get some coffee and walk around your local park. "My love you should bring a jacket you know you get cold easily." Arny said " babe I'll be fine."  You replied back with a giggle. Arny sighed know that by the end of the night you'd be wearing his jacket cause you were cold, the drive to the coffee shop was lovely  you and arny listened to music and just enjoyed each other's company.

Once you arrived at the coffee shop you both got in line ordered your drinks and wait for them to call your names. "Arny and Y/N." The barista called out, you and Arny grabbed your guy's drinks and headed on your way to your local park. You and your boyfriend loved walking in the park  drinking coffee and just talking you didn't know why but it was for some reason so romantic.

"You look so gorgeous in the moon light my love."  Arny cooed making you blush one hundred shades of pink. "I'm not gorgeous." You replied looking down at your feet, Arny tilted your head up by your chin with his hand " you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen please don't talk bad about yourself." Arny said with love dripping from his voice and the adorable look of care and adoration in his eyes.

You and Arny kept walking until Arny noticed you were shivering "do you want my jacket love?" Arny questioned with a smirk "I'm fine babe." You said being as stubborn as always. Arny took off his jacket putting it over your shoulders  "come on put your arms through the holes." He said of course you listened and put your boyfriends jacket on you felt bad cause you knew Arny was gonna be cold but you knew there was no arguing with him about it.

As the night came to a close you and Arny shared a kiss in the moonlight then headed back to his car.  You fell asleep on the way home so obviously you woke up the next morning In Arny's bed with a hand written note on his side table telling you that he went out to film a video and he'd be back in an hour also that he made you coffee, You smiled he really was so romantic.

Hey Z here I hope you enjoyed! It is a lil bit longer then the last one oops I may have gotten carried away lol. Anyway I hope you have a lovely day/night/evening wherever you are!

Birlap_ (Arny) imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora