Chapter 1 - Life and Death

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Blood, something you were somewhat familiar with. You were a rough and rowdy kid, so you'd get your wounds. But you'd never seen this much of it. If it wasn't your own, you'd think someone was murdered. 

Well, someone was murdered, you. You were losing consciousness. You were growing cold. The hole in your chest was numb. Everything was going dark. The world around you was silent. 

Flashback 3 days ago

"Y/NNNNNN!" You were awoken to a yell from your mother. You looked to your alarm clock to see it blinking the 12 of death. Seeing that, you shot up out of bed and scrambled to get your uniform on. You grabbed your toothbrush and toothpaste and ran down to get breakfast. 

You saw your mother starting to butter your toast, but you grabbed the knife from her hands to speed it up. Although you ended up buttering your toothbrush and putting toothpaste on your toast. 

You brushed your teeth and ate your toast while you dashed out the door. "Bye Y/N!" Ignoring her, not of annoyance or spite, but out of sheer will to get to school on time. 

You sprinted down the sidewalk dodging whoever and whatever you could. You saw a few other students in a similar uniform, as you sped through. Although they were walking. They probably had a free period first.

Unfortunately, you didn't have such luxury. But finally, you could see the front gates of Kuoh Academy. An all-girls school turned co-ed Although in front of the gates was your good friend Saji, who was also talking to the Student Council President Souna Shitori. 

As you sped past them you greeted them, "Hi you two, can't talk now, gotta gooooooo!" And you were gone.

Saji and Souna were watching your retreating figure. Saji, with a face palm, and Souna with intrigue. "Hmm"

"What is it President?"

She kept watching you, "It's nothing Saji. So, about that perverted Trio again?"

You slowed down once you were in the building, but still speed walked through the halls of the large building. You made it to the door, and opened it, right as the bell rang. 

You could see the teacher looking at you, "Right on time L/N. Go take your seat." You followed his instructions and walked to your seat in the back of the room. Thus started the drudgery that was your normal school life. Full of not paying attention and tuning out all the boring voices of your teachers. 

Finally, lunch time came, and you were able to find a brief escape from it. You grabbed your bag and walked outside to try and find Saji. Although you were interrupted by hearing the rambling nonsense of the perverted trio.

"Fellas, why did we come to this school?" Issei said, widely considered the leader of them.

"This school just opened up as a co-ed, so the male to female ratio would be insane." Motohama explained the glasses one explained.

Matsuda, the bald one jumped up and exclaimed, "Yeah, we'd have women riding our jocks, and we'd have tons of unprotected sex and never call them again."

That was your cue to leave. You couldn't find Saji, so you just took a seat on a bench. Although you were quickly interrupted by Souna Shitori who you saw earlier. "L/N, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?"

You looked at her and swallowed the bite you had. "Sure, not like I have anyone else to talk to right now."

She sat down next to you and made small talk for a bit. But then she brought up an odd topic. "Do you believe in magic L/N?"

You were caught a little off guard. "Not really, like magician magic is usually just skill and fantasy type magic is called fantasy for a reason."

Seh closed her eyes and seemed to think. "That's a fair analysis. Although I'd like to believe it exists. It creates a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world."

"I guess it does." She seemed to smile at you.

She stood up, "Well, I better get back to work. Being Student Council President is a difficult job. Sorry for taking so much of you time."

You swallowed the last bit of food. "Don't mention it." The bell for the end of lunch came and signaled your return to class. "Well, see you, Souna."

You turned and began to walk to class. Souna kept watching you though, "Interesting, he has no trace of magic whatsoever." She then followed you into the building, although to go to the Council Office and not to class.

So, you made it to class and sat until the end of the day. You took your leave of the classroom, and then the school. As you walked, you notice the sun was going down. You could see a short blonde girl walking towards you. 

As she was walking past you, she tripped and dropped her bag. You reached down to help her out. "Are you ok?"

She grabbed her bag from you and grabbed your arm to help herself up. "Yeah, I'm alright. Thank you."

"Well, take care." You began to walk away. 

"Wait!" You turned to her. "Please let me repay you."

"I don't need anything."

"Why don't I buy you lunch this weekend?"

You instantly became interested. "Food? I'm in."

She began to laugh a little. "You're funny. My name is Mittelt. I guess I'll see you this weekend." She then walked off the way she was going.

You began walking, "Wait, did I ever tell her my name?" You just shrugged it off and continued home so you could prepare for tomorrow. Probably the day after too.

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