Chapter 2: Movie Date

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Connor's POV
Once me and Daria are at the movie theaters I ask where's Taylor and she says that Taylor decided not to come since it would be awkward.

While we're watching the movie I wanted Jude to be here so I wouldn't be the only guy ,but there's also a part of me that want him to come so I could show him how I felt.
I have being having confusing emotions about Jude. I kissed in the tent on the school camping trip and ever since I've been having mixed emotions about Jude.
I don't mean to lead him on but I don't fully know my sexuality.
I keep thinking about Jude when all of a sudden Daria kisses me.
I don't kiss back or pull away.
"Shocked?" Daria says winking.
I just sit there frozen for the rest of the movie until we leave.

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