Whatever you do, call the bitch stupid

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Cast for chapter-

Cast for chapter-Sunny:

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Tanner Buchanan:

Tanner Buchanan:

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Old couple:

I did see a deer, but it was lifeless because every ounce of blood was being sucked out by some monster

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I did see a deer, but it was lifeless because every ounce of blood was being sucked out by some monster. I pushed myself backward and fell on my back. "What the fuck." I choked out frightened by the scene. The monster snapped its head to look toward me. It dropped the deer and stood up. "Oh shi-" I screeched before turning onto my knees and trying to crawl away as fast as I could. I couldn't get a good look at it but it was coming towards me. I pushed myself up and tried to run away. "Help!" I screamed into the distance for anyone.

Before I could even make it to the path a hand smacked to the back of my head and smashed me to the ground with brute force. I'm surprised my skull didn't break just like that. "FUUUUUCK!!!" I screamed in pain. I tried to push myself up quickly but the weight of its one hand alone kept me in place. My nose and lips were pressed against the dirt. "Please don't hurt me!" I said only to have it sound muffled and dirt come flooding into my mouth with each deep breath. "Oh, I'm going to do worse than that. You should've just kept walking." It growled. Its voice was strangely calming and human-like. Now that I think about it its hand feels human-like too.

There's no way this thing is human. With the force, it had when it took me to the ground. Not to mention that it was sucking a deer like a Go-gurt. "Hello?" A voice of someone in the distance said no doubt responding to my cry for help. "Say one word and I'll kill them too." It said clutching my hair and bringing me up to my feet. "No one else has to die. Keep your mouth shut." It whispered bringing my gaze towards him for the first time. It was...pretty? It had off-tan and bright green eyes. Its lips were pursed slightly into a pout. Its hair was parted down the middle like one of those TikTok E-boys. That hairstyle is kind of out now so I wasn't impressed by it. However, the rest of it was breathtaking.

I jerked my head towards an old couple walking toward us. "Hello there." It said with a smiley tone. They looked at it and then down at me with worried looks. No doubt seeing its hand wrapped in my hair. It slowly let my head free. "You ok dear?" The old woman said taking a cautious step towards me. It slightly nudged me. I gulped, faked a smile, and nodded with an "Mhm." "Are you sure? You look a little scuffed up." The old man spoke. Ok, say something to make them leave. That thing is right, no one else needs to die. Especially not these cute little old people. Speak straightly and confidently no wobbles or stutters. "We were messing around and got carried away. I fell down a hill." I lied through my teeth.

They smiled at each other and back to him. "Oh well, we understand. We're sorry for interrupting." The woman laughed turning to walk away. "You two have a nice day now." The old man smiled before following his wife out of sight. Damnit. Why do I have to care so much!? This is bullshit! I don't want to die, not like this. It watched as they walked out of the area. "Now," It sighed smashing its palm into my face taking me to a tree, and holding me against it. "I'll make this quick, you won't feel a thing." It said gruffly taking its other hand around my neck. "NO! No, please I have a family!" I cried kicking its waist. "Yah? And? 100% of the population has a family." It chuckled bitterly. "AND! Those people saw you and me. If my body is ever found it'll link me to you. You'll be caught." I tried to explain with its hand pressed against my face.

"So? I think the short span of time we've been in each other's lives should have made it clear to you that I'm not really under the foot of society." It spoke clearly and with a bit of sass in its voice. "Well, if that were the case you would have killed those old people with no hesitation," I explained sarcastically. "Why are you still talking?" It asked through its teeth. "I'm not sorry. Your logic is stupid." I scoffed, its hands still pressed against my face and clutching my neck. "Did you just call me stupid?" It pulled its hand away to look at me. Its eyes were angry and vicious. Maybe I should shut up. No, this monster is gonna kill me regardless so I don't even care.

"Yes! You're a freaking idiot and your hair is tired! Those styles died before covid hit. You look like a douchebag." I hissed at it with no caring undertone. It threw me on the ground and just when I thought he was gonna finally kill me I looked back at it. It was just standing there fixing its hair. "Is it stupid? It's not normally like this, I swear. You caught me on an off day." It pulled it back self-consciously. What the fuck. I mouthed squinting my eyes at it wondering if I was being pranked. "Also you're one to talk. What even are you? A boy or a girl. I seriously can not tell." It pointed at me defensively.

"Hey, screw you. I just saw you sucking on a deer like a sippy cup. You look goofy as hell so don't even talk." I held my hand up waving him away. "You know, in all my 300 years of life I've never been so disrespected by someone I was about to eat." It paced around with its hands on its hips like my mom does when she's scolding us for getting in trouble at school. "HA! Old! Anything you say after this is irrelevant." I laughed bitterly pointing at it. "You're not funny. Ok? And I'm not stupid, k?" It said walking over and picking me up like a child with ease. "I watched as people named the planets. I saw math being created, k? I've seen brilliant minds at their absolute best." It explained holding me in the air out in front of it.

"Yah? That's cool, but all it tells me is that you watched other people be smart. And what? Is that supposed to make you smart by association?" I laughed evilly. "You're calling me stupid when you're insulting the thing that's about to eat you." It smirked evilly. "Hey, you're insulting yourself. I'm simply highlighting and revising your "comebacks." I threw up air quotes as I smirked back. "Why can't I kill you!?" It threw me to the ground again. "Shit." I coughed grabbing my back in pain. "Piss off the shit head." I kicked it in the leg as hard as I could. To my surprise it fell on its ass. "haHA!" I laughed before pushing myself up and starting to run. It grabbed my ankle and brought me back down. I began to kick and kick as if my life depended on it.

It let go out of habit and I got up and ran through the woods. "Get back here! I'm not done with you!" It yelled after me. "Eat shit, crap bag!" I shouted making my way to my public neighborhood. Only for it to speed out in front of me at an inhuman speed. I made an awkward "gee" sound and spun around him. "Spin move!" I shouted making it out to my street and running down the road like a crazy person. I looked back and saw he was no longer following me. I kept running till I made it to my new house.

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