Chapter two

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Tommy's P.O.V :
I woke up at 7:00. When I opened my eyes I saw deo. I turned as red as a tomato.
He woke up, looking at me
'Haha- you look like a tomato!' He smiled
I covered my face. 'Shut up deo..'
'Hm, why?'
'I- just- I dunno.'
We both got up and got ready, we grabbed our backpacks and ran together
I almost tripped but he caught me before I did, we walked in and went to first period, then second, then third, then fourth and however more there were. Sadly I couldn't go to deos today because my mum took me to go shopping for clothes. I text deo.


Me: hey Deoo!

Justin❤️❤️: hey Tommy

Me: sorry I couldn't come over today :(

Justin❤️❤️: it's okay! Tomorrow?

Me: yeah ofc :D!

Justin❤️❤️: see you then

Me: mhm

I hid my face as I blushed, I could tell my mum was looking at me
'Is something wrong Thomas?'
'Oh okay'
We finished shopping and I immediately sat on my bed.
I called Justin, not expecting an answer
He answered
'Hey Tommy, what's up?'
'Is it bad to have butterflies when you just met someone?'
'Nah bro, crushing on people comes naturally'
'Oh okayy'
I yawned
'You tired tommy?'
'Nah I wanna talk to you'
'Hm, okay.'
We chatted for a while and then I finally went to sleep. I forgot to hang up the call so he stayed on all night. When I woke up and looks at my phone.
'Deo..?' I said tiredly
'Yes tommy?'
'Why are we still on call-'
'Oh yeah you went to sleep and didn't hang up, so I stayed on.'
I hung up then got dressed, grabbing all my stuff and I rushed to school with deo
'Haha! I'll beat you there!'
'The hell you won't!' He said, running way faster than me.
We both arrived and I was out of breath
'Fuck you deo-'
'Heh, whatever.'
Timedeos pov:
'So Tommy, your coming to my place right?'
We left and went to my house
Obviously he stay the night because yEZ🙄
I was the first one asleep because I didn't get any sleep the night before.
Then he fell asleep a few moments later
I woke up, it's Saturday.
I looked at Tommy, his head laying against my shoulder.
I turned hella red
He woke up and turned red too and he immediately got up
'Im sorry J-Justin-'
'No don't worry about it. But it is Saturday, what should we do?'
'Hm, we could just hangout or go out to eat-'
'Are you asking me on a daaateee?' I said, teasing him
'No- I- hush.' He sighed
'Well eating out sounds kinda boring anyways, so we could go hangout'
'Yeah we should.'
I dragged him to the park.
We hung out for the rest of the day, we bonded a lot. When we back I went upstairs to my room. I fell asleep and I woke up at like 5:00 and to my surprise, Tommy wasn't there.
I called him
'Hey what's up dude?'
'Where are you??!'
'Oh I left, my mum wanted me home.'
'Mm. I was worried dude.'
'It's okay'
'You can come over to my place tho!'
'Yeah ofc!'
I went outside, casually walking there
I knocked, he opened the door and I just hugged him
'Oh-' he hugged me back
I smiled



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