Chapter one

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Tommy P.O.V:
I woke up at around 5:00. I obviously barely got any sleep but it's okay. Today is the first day of highschool, if I'm honest I'm not ready for a new school year. But hey, I have tubbo and ranboo! I got dressed quickly and ran downstairs.
'Bye mum!'
'Bye hunny'
I dashed out the door and paused
'Shit my backpack-' I ran back in and grabbed it and rushed out, trying my best not to be late. This will be a problem for a week or two but it's okay.
I wasn't looking and I ran into someone I didn't recognize
'I'm sorry!' I shouted
'No it's okay- I'm okay-' he said nervously
'Eh.. well I better go.'
I walked the rest of the way, noticing that guy was going the same way.
'Is he a stalker ?' I thought.
I walked into the school, amused by what I saw.
'Woah! This place is nice!'
'Yeah.' That guy went to the same school?
I turned to look at him but then, I saw he was wearing a Santa hat and glasses . It's not even december the hell? But the sun glasses are reasonable.
I shrugged it off
'What's your name?' I asked
'Justin, or TimeDeo.' He replied
'Cool, I'm Tommy! Or Thomas-'
'Nice name'
We both walked up to the front desk, getting our schedules
'Ha, we have the same schedule' he said
'Oh my god we do-'
'We should go'
We both walked to our first class
About an hour in I got really tired

TimeDeo P.O.V:
I looked at Tommy, he seems really tired.
'Toms? You okay?'
He looked back at me, nodding
'You sure, you seem tired.'
'I am kinda tired but.. it's ok.'
'If you say.'
I just watched him, but I was writing down everything so I wouldn't forget what the teacher said.
'Justin! What's the answer to 2B?'
'40.' I said
I yawned, rolling my eyes at the teacher.
Gladly, he didn't notice so I wasn't in trouble.

__.-timeskip to the end of the day-.__

'Hm.?' He sounded hella tired
'Wanna come over today?'
'Hm, sure.'
I led him to my house
'Woah, this place is pretty!'
He sat on the couch and I sat beside him
Finally he fell asleep, laying his head on my shoulder
It felt like I had butterflies when he did that. Nono- I just met him, I can't feel this way!
I knew I was blushing by how hot my face was.
'Fuck..' i mumbled
I looked at him. He's so cute- fuck- I did it again!
I covered my face with my hat and frowned out of embarrassment
'I fuckin hate myself' I thought
After awhile I woke him up
'W- what?'
'It's 8:20 I think you need to go.'
'Oh no, my mum said I could stay out as long as I want-'
'Oh. Wanna stay over then?'
He nodded
I picked him up and carried him to my room and set him on the bed
'I- okay-'
He got comfortable and finally went to sleep. I obviously slept on the couch.
Around 3:00 in the morning he woke up
He walked downstairs and looked at me. I looked back
'What's wrong?'
'I didn't know where you were..'
He sat beside me, basically cuddling me.
I smiled
He's so adorable- I mean- why do I keep doing that!! Ugh.
He went back to sleep, and I fell asleep.

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