Bios and Backstory 2.0

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History of MHA Nirn: Over 100,000 years ago, when the Oblivion crisis ended, a change rippled throughout the world. No longer were those with magic so common, and even rarer was the ability to master magic, so, the world turned to the Dwemer, or more accurately, they learned from the ruins. In time, they made it to a level of technology equal to their sister planet, Earth, and adventures and adventurers faded into history along with the Empire of Cyrodiil. In place, the Republic of The Nine, or R.T.N, sprung up in it's place. Generations went by after the end of the Imperial Age, and a new sort of magic came to be, quirks, and with them the pro "heroes".

Izuku Midoriya

Race: Argonian

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Race: Argonian

Quirk: Heroic Destiny

Izuku can learn things faster than most, specifically combat, support, crafting, and charisma skills. He also has enhanced durability, a magicka pool akin to the wizards of the magic ages, also known as the Imperial Ages, a sixth sense that allows him to know when he is in danger (aka, he can "feel" the game music), a pocket detention for storage, and has the blood of the dragons flowing through him, making him Dragonborn.

History: Izuku was bullied for being argonian and his unnatural skill for magic, so tried many other things, leading to the same with all of them, so he decided he'd just train everything to become one of the first argonian heroes. He, nor anyone else, are yet aware of his dragon blood. Izuku specifically trains with the Blades, as his father was once a Knight Brother and his mother the Grand Mistress.

Mina Ashido

Race: Argonian

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Race: Argonian

Quirk: Acid

Mina can produce acid from her skin with any ph level she wants, but higher end acids can burn her.

History: Mina is a member of argonian royalty, and her family is quite possibly the last of the royals of the Imperial Age. She wears armor all the time as a symbol of status, and is known to swing her political weight around for the greater good.

Katsuki Bakugo

Race: High Elf

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Race: High Elf

Quirk: Explosion

Katsuki sweats a nitroglycerin like liquid from his palms that he can explode on command

History: Katsuki is the son of the Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold, Masura Bakugo, and the College of Winterhold's destruction master, Mitsuki Bakugo. Despite this, and being a high elf, he is unable to use magic of any kind aside from his quirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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