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Donald, Jahvelia, and I started working, scanning the bags of employers who also works at the airport. Just to ensure they aren't carrying any weapons and drugs into the airport. Even though, it's a task done daily by us most employers behave as if they don't know the rules. Which makes us have to repeat ourselves about what they need to do before walking through the Walk-Through Metal Detector.

"Lady you need to empty your pockets, that's why you keep on beeping each time you walk through the detector, obviously there is something in your pocket that needs to be removed and placed in a container so it can be scanned on the machine," said Jahvelia to the lady who works in the Immigration section.

"But I don't normally beep, so I shouldn't have to empty my pockets", replied the Immigration lady. "Well, you beep now said Jahvelia while waving her hand at the lady. The lady then checks her pocket and pulled some coins out of her front pocket and place them in the container with her other belongings. I then run her stuff through the x-ray machine, where she then collects it after she was checked by Jahvelia to ensure her ID is valid.

Donald and Jahvelia check the other employers and they went on their way to do their job. When I check the time on the machine it reads 9:00 am. "Who is taking the first break," I ask out loud. "I don't mind taking it if you guys don't want it," Donald said to us. "But you came late which means you have no say in what time break you get" reply Jahvelia in a no-nonsense tone.

"It's okay Jahvelia, I wanted a late break any way I said before Donald could say anything to her. Right then one of our coworkers came on to the location. "I am the breaker, who should take the first break please do so now and come back on time," said Amanda who is our breaker for the day. "You're breaking all of us?" asked Donald. "Yes" reply Amanda who started writing in the book what time she arrived.

"Are you deaf?" ask Jahvelia, she said take your break, why are you still standing here?" she said while arching her eyebrow at him. "I heard her perfectly fine I was just confirming something with her, no need to get all upset" exclaimed Donald before walking off. "Stop wasting time arguing with the lady and go take your break, it's now 9:08 am," I said to Donald who started walking off. "Try to ensure you come back 10:08 on the dot said, Amanda who relieve me from off the machine.

After Donald went on his break, the three of us started talking about random kinds of stuff so the time can move faster. We then saw some custom officers heading to the departure Pier section of the airport. It was about 10 to 15 of them some in uniforms while others in plain clothing. "I never see so many customs in one place before," I think to myself. And by the looks on the other's faces, I know they were thinking the same thing, who could be up in the lounge to require such a crowd of customs and police.

"This must be the politician that John was telling us about that would arrive at about 10:00 am," said Jahvelia. "Well, whosoever it is as long as they stay out of our way I don't care reply Amanda while drinking some water from her bottle. "They seem very important, which politicians need so many police?" I ask being interested in wanting to see who it could be. "You will find out soon enough", say Amanda while pointing to a small crowd. Looking to where she was pointing I saw some immigration and customs officers crowding around a particular person. As I squint my eye to see who the man could be, I felt a fluttering in my stomach that I never felt before. I didn't focus too much on the feeling but tried to see if I could get a glimpse of the important person. 

Suddenly by some miracle, he looked in my direction and our eyes make four. I was shocked into stillness, "Ashely Ashley Ashley! shouted Jahvelia in my ear. "Jesus Christ, are you trying to deaf me?" I ask her while rubbing my ear with a scrunch-up face. "Well if you had answered me the first time, I called your name I wouldn't have to shout in your ear," she said without feeling guilty. "Hahaha! laugh Amanda suddenly, I think Ashely as a moment of love at first sight" she said. "What are you talking about," I said while frowning.

Before she could say something, we realized that the crowd was heading our way. We stand up Jahvelia and I check the ID to see if they are valid while Amanda sits at the x-ray machine to scan the phones for each person coming through the Walk-Through Metal Detector. While checking each person I felt someone's eyes on me and when I look up, I realize it's the same guy from before.

"He was handsome with his five o' clock shadow, a fire of passion in his eye along with curiosity and interest that no man has ever looked at me with before," I think to myself why is he giving me that look". "He had Titan's shoulder it's like he was one of those giants back in David and goliath days. His cheekbones were well defined, and his movement was that with grace like a king of the Jungle. He walks right through the Metal Detector and like he owns the place with determined steps he headed straight to me and said. "Do you need to check me, officer?" he asked with a voice as deep as the ocean.

I was speechless "no you don't need checking you are perfect" I stammer out stupidly and embarrassed myself in the process. Some of the male's custom laugh at my statement while others just smile and shake their heads while waiting on the rest. He just smiled and said "thank you, you're looking gorgeous as well" he replied to me in a whisper-like voice. Before I could dwell on what he said one of the police officers called to him "Mr. Butler, this way to the lounge" and pointed upstairs. He then walks off into that direction with the others trailing behind him like a shepherd leading his flocks of sheep.

"What just happened", I ask none. Jahvelia and Amanda had the same facial expression one of shock and speechlessness along with me. Just then Donald came back from his break. "Why are you all standing there like you just seen a ghost?" he asks while drinking a soda. For once Jahvelia didn't have anything to say I guess she was still thinking about what just happened. 

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