"Great, let's go."

Miguel looked up at the blonde as she got up from her seat. "Have fun," he teased.

Josephine rolled her eyes jokingly and slapped his arm. "Shut up," she said with a smile on her face which made Miguel hold the side of his arm before he shook his head with a grin on his face and looked back down to his computer.

- - - - - - - - - -

Josephine walked side by side with Jay who had his arms draped over her shoulder. The small group of Cobra Kai members walked into the comic bookstore which made her furrow her eyebrows, she didn't see any of them as the comic book type, but she shrugged it off and walked inside with them.

"Still can't wait to read that new issue, huh?" Hawk spoke up once they had walked around the corner and into the next aisle.

"Nice hair," the scrawny boy stated. "What is this your red hulk phase?"

Josephine felt Jay tense up at the sight of the boy. "I saw your yelp review." Josephine and Jay watched the boy step closer to the boy. "Take it down," he ordered sternly.

"And ruin my journalistic integrity?" he questioned. "Look, I'm sorry, but someone had to say something. And besides, taking it down could hurt my Yelp Elite status."

Josephine gasped as she watched Hawk shove the boy back knocking over some of the comic books. She shared a look with Jay who both had worried looks on their faces before they turned back to the scene in front of them.

"Take it down, dude," Jules ordered.

"You think I'm afraid of you?" He questioned. "I know who you really are, Eli. So, why don't you, Rocksteady and Bebop just leave me alone, okay?" he turned around to walk away but realized he was surrounded. "Great. So, this is what it's come to. Gang assault."

"Take it down, or we take you down."

"You'd actually hurt me?" He asked. "Well, guess what? You're not the only one that knows karate. I just joined Miyagi-Do."

"Metri, don't," Jay tried to stop the boy but he didn't listen.

"All right. Let's see what you got."

Josephine watched the scene happen in front of her with wide eyes. "Hawk, don't!" Jay shouted but the boy didn't answer and took off chasing the scrawny boy who ran out, Jules behind him. Josephine and Jay looked at each other before running following the rest of the Cobra Kai members out of shop and to the main area.

Josephine and Jay followed behind Hawk as he went in the direction of the food court. The blonde sighed once she spotted him, and she knew Hawk did too because he started to walk closer to the boy. "It didn't have to be this way. You could've joined Cobra Kai if you weren't such a pussy."

"At least I'm not an asshole."

"Your dead meat."

Before Hawk had a chance to do anything a girl came over and kicked two of the Cobra Kai members to the ground. "You guys need to back off." Josephine looked to the brunette and realized it was Sam.

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