Don't Stop - 2004

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Soo I was asked by my friend to write a fic based on a gif set from Don't Stop in 2004, I'm sure you all know exactly which one I'm on about! So I wrote this one shot based on exactly that! Also I must be the cleanest Buckingham Nicks fanfiction writer ever so I decided to try my hand at some smut! I hope you like it, but as long as my best friend who wanted it liked it thats all that matters to me! Enjoy guys and I love you all for reading my things xo

Lindsey was into Don’t Stop completely, but more than anything he was more into watching Stevie throughout this song tonight, what was she playing at? he thought to himself as he watched her shaking her tambourine, her arms in the air, she was pushing her arms forwards and she looked him dead in the eye, Lindsey knew then that she wasn’t just dancing, she was flaunting, and she was flaunting for him


God what is she doing? He thought as she flipped her hair backwards and forwards as her head did the same motion, Stevie knew exactly what she was doing and she was beyond amused at the face that Lindsey gave her, it was a mixture between “carry on!” and a warning of sorts

Let’s really get him going shall we? Stevie’s iner voice said as she walked over to the man that was currently fixated on her

Stevie stood with her back facing him and raised her right arm in the air, still moving the object in her hand around, she moved her free hand around to her and pulled the split tail on her jacket until it was no longer covering her and Lindsey could get a nice view of her behind better, she knew it worked when she suddenly felt his head on her back

Bingo! Was all she could think, she slowly started to half slide down half squat, and Lindsey’s head followed with her movements, rolling his head so it looked like he kept kissing her back

“You’re playing with fire Stevie!” he said loud enough for her and only her to hear” Stevie said nothing, she just closed her eyes and tilted her head backwards, with his head facing downwards he was getting the exact view that she wanted him to have

Lindsey left her and was amused how she was still in a squatted position, he didn’t smile for too long though, once he realised that he had to be very careful in where his guitar would now be, he was well practiced at hiding what Stevie did to him with it

The song ended before they knew it, along with the show, Stevie had just left for her dressing room with a wink, and Lindsey decided he needed to see her, he finished his conversation with Mick and left to find her

He walked up to her dressing room door, and almost knocked but then decided against it and quietly opened it, he was glad he didn’t knock because Stevie was currently tying the laces on her boots up, so she was bent over and gave Lindsey and even better view than before

Stevie didn’t hear Lindsey come in but she certainly felt him when he put his hands on her hips and pulled her roughly back against him

“Linds?” she tried to stand up straight but Lindsey just put a hand on her back and pushed her down again

“I told you that you were playing with fire baby!” he bent down slightly to and put his hands flat out on the back of her calves

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