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"Here," he said, digging in a drawer for something. He handed you the same flash drive from before. "I've already extracted the information on Draken and other members of Tōman. There might be information on your friend in there."

"Thank you so much, Mikey." you run towards him and hug him tightly. "I appreciate this."

"Hehe," he laughed, rubbing your back. "Of course. Thanks for not keeping secrets anymore," he genuinely smiled. "Let me know what you find."

"I will," you bowed, running out of his office and to one of the many empty meeting rooms in search of a computer.

When you find a vacant room that was a bit farther out, you sit at the computer and plug in the hard drive.

"Alright Sakura, let's see what you're hiding," you mumbled, scanning the files.

Everything looks the same as you saw it a few hours ago. You decide to open the Moebius file, hoping to find something—anything.

There are a variety of unfamiliar names that you're sure will come in handy later.

"Come on!" you're beginning to grow impatient. "She has to be in here."

Finally, you see a woman's name amongst the many male names—Tsunade.

"Who the hell is that?" you wonder, clicking on the file.

"Sakura Haruno. Alias: Tsunade. Female. 26 years old. Member of Moebius since 2020. Role: Medic."

"I knew I didn't like that girl," a voice from behind you said. You hadn't even noticed the door opened. Turning around, you readied your fist to punch them. "Calm down. It's just me."

You see Baji standing in front of you in all his glory. Even though he had just gotten back from the hospital, he seemed as perfect as ever. His wavy hair was pulled back in its usual ponytail with a few hairs framing his face. Instead of his usual plain white tee, he wore a black, athletic compression, long-sleeve shirt with black sweatpants that hugged his waist. Even though his arms were crossed under his chest, you could still see the outline of his abs poking out from underneath the stretchy shirt.

"H-hi," you said, clearing your throat.

"What are you doing here?" he seemed extremely dismissive. Was he upset about earlier? Of course, he is, who wouldn't be?

"How are you feeling?"

"Like you'd care. Why are you looking into your friend? What made you suspicious of her?" he never looked at you once, instead, he was bombarding you with questions.

"When I spoke with her earlier she offered her condolences in regards to your death."

"How did she—"

"She said she saw it on the news, but Hakkai and Sanzu had made sure your death wasn't made public. So I had gotten the feeling that something was off." you turned back around, continuing to search for any remaining files.

"How did you say you met her?" he asked.

"We went to high school together." 

You watch out of the corner of your eye as he takes a seat in the chair in the corner, spreading his legs as he gets comfortable. "Continue." he nods. 

"There's not much to the story. We had a class together and she sat next to me on the first day. From then, we hung out every day. She would come over to my house, we joined a club together—"

"So she was your best friend?"

"Basically. But then once we graduated, it was really hard to keep in contact. She went to college in London and I stayed in Japan and then started working for that company."

✔️𝑆𝑇𝑂𝐶𝐾𝐻𝑂𝐿𝑀 𝑆𝑌𝑁𝐷𝑅𝑂𝑀𝐸 | 𝐵𝐴𝐽𝐼 𝐾.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon