Traitor of the Marines

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Garp looked at the small baby in his hand. Singular. The thing was small enough to fit in one.

He thought back to earlier that day.

They'd tried to stop him from entering that house. They thought he was going to kill Rouge and the baby.

He won't lie and say that didn't upset him. Does he look like a baby killer?! He'd never do something like that!

He'd joined the Marines to fight pirates, dammit, not to kill newborn babies!

Though he guessed with all the other Marines going around killing babies that wasn't how it appeared.

Garp closed his eyes. He didn't want to think about all those innocent babies - and mothers - who were killed for this.

The baby started crying again. Garp sighed. He'd only just gotten him to stop a minute ago and now he was back at it.

Damn, Roger! Even dead he's trouble to him!

Garp tried his best to make the baby in his arms stop crying. They can't sneak out if the baby's screaming his lungs out. And damn, does he have a set of lungs on him!

Why couldn't Roger have asked one of his crew to do this?! Rayleigh practically raised those two apprentices on their ship. He would've been amazing at this!

Why were so many bad things happening lately?! This should have been a happy period in his life. His lifelong enemy - and yes, they might have started this fighting between them when they were in their early twenties but he was still calling him his lifelong enemy, even if Roger always referred to them as rivals or frienemies - was finally dead!

But instead, his son officially started that Revolutionary Army thing he's been talking about for years which caused a fight that practically ended their relationship. He's stuck with Roger's baby. And, goddamn it, he misses Roger! Only his fights, of course. It's been boring without them. Nothing else. Nothing at all.

The baby finally quieted down.

The dirt in front of him was soft. Almost as if a hole had been dug in it recently. And it had. This was where the mother of the baby in his arms lay.

Garp closed his eyes.

He'd promised Roger to protect both his lover and baby. His lover was now dead.

And he needed to get a move on so that doesn't happen to the baby as well.

Sighing, Roger turned away from the house where Rouge gave birth, starting down the long pathway to get Mini Roger out of this Island and to safety.

He already knew where to bring him. He'd thought about it on the way here. Garp can't take care of him himself. He has duties as a Vice Admiral to deal with. Garp also lives close to the Marine base and he'd rather the baby be as far away as possible from there.

So he decided on some friends - more like drinking partners - in a East Blue Island. Nobody pays much attention to that place. Nobody would also pay attention to some brat living under some mountain bandits on a mountain next to a dangerous forest. And speaking of the mountain and forest, those combined would make him even more secluded and even less likely to get found out.

He also has something to hold over the bandits - all their crimes and how they could be imprisoned for life if he takes them in - to make sure they don't tell anyone. It's perfect.

Garp rising moon fell upon seeing a small Marine Sqaud. He cursed. The Marines should have all left already. Why's this one still here?

And he's stuck. If they see a random person suddenly leaving when they arrive they'll get suspicious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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