chapter 2

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Laura's POV
Today is like any other normal morning. Get up,brush my teeth,take a shower,get ready for school, brush my hair then curl it, go down stairs eat, kiss mom and dad goodbye, wait for my sister in her car, and drive to school.
I go in school and go to my locker. I put my books in and wait for Rydel and Raini to get to school. Rydel,Raini and I are in the same school year which is pretty cool. But, here comes rydels brother to annoy the hell out of me. He is so annoying. And the worst part is that i have him for all my classes and Rydel and Raini are always teasing me saying that I like Ross. Pffft me liking Ross that would be weird. Right?...*ring* sorry got to go to class
Ross's POV
Ughhhhhh!!!! I don't wanna go to school!!! But I need to go if I want to stay in the band. OK you might be confused so let me explain. When we barely formed r5, my mom told us to not let music get in the way of our education, so we all agreed to keep our grades above average to stay in the band. That's all. So I think that explains why I have to go. So I get up Get up,brush my teeth,take a shower,get ready for school, brush my hair, go down stairs, eat, kiss mom and dad good bye, wait for siblings and family friend in the car, and drive to school.
I walk in school with my sister then I go to my locker put in some books. Go find my friend calum. We r trying to find my sister Rydel and her other friends so that I can annoy the hell out of laura while calum annoys Raini. And the best thing is we have them for all our classes.Aha!!
Ross: "Calum I found them they're over there." He looks where I'm looking and spots them.
Calum: "OK let's walk to them casually." He said
Ross: "OK let's go." We start walking and they see us when we get there I start to annoy laura by getting her soft brown hair and playing with it. She has an annoyed face which is what I was looking for. I look over to calum and rain I has the same expression. We start to laugh out of control and do our famous hand shake..
Calum and Ross: "what up" the girls look at us in a weird way but then they start laughing with us. If your asking why we do this we'll remember I said that there is this girl I like that go's to my school well she is one of my sister's best friends but like I said, I'm not saying who.*ring* got to go to class

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