Life is grey

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Life is... Grey, yeah, but it's got colours too.

It's hard to descrive what the mind understands and creates to make the world around us understandable.

At a certain point of our lifes, we all learn that it is not easy, that there's good and bad people, but that nothing in life can be painted as black or white, for there are times when people do bad things to achieve a good ending and the other way around too, people who in order to disguise as good people while their actions create bad endings. This is because everything in life is grey. Too much honesty and good willing can make you ignorant and easy to trick, but the enough amount of malice can safe you from tricks and make you more clever, perceptive and empathic.

Sometimes what life needs from us to be Princes/Princesses of Darkness, people who's got enough darkness in them to avoid being fooled by the utopic wish of a world of only light and goodness, but not dark enough to succumb to darkness and lose the way of balance that we are meant to follow. We need to know ourselves grey, with darkness and light at the same time.

When someone has no light nor darkness inside them, that only brings suffering to their life. If you blind yourself with light, you won't see the bad consequences that come with some good actions and you'll tend to be easily manipulated under the excuse of 'helping someone'.

Also when someone lets darkness guide their actions they trust noone and believe in nothing, turning mad with anger and/or pain, breeding an unlimited and never-ending thirst of destruction.

That's why we should try always to be grey, and not just black or white, having darkness only as an adviser to tell us what may happen on the bad side of our decisions.

That's why life must be grey, but not a dead life, it most be alive in order to see its colors. Happiness and Sadness, Anger and Serenity, Dissapointment, Inspiration and Admiration, Love and Hatred, they all add shape and different colors to our lifes, consequence of our actions, errors and successes that will make us stronger. Mistakes and darkness are things that we must not fear, but accept and understand, this way, not letting us be defeated, we become wiser.

But beware of the adiction that comes with making mistakes on purpose, for it can enslave your mind and make you think you are excused of any damage you do to other, but you'll never be. Pain must not be caused, but has to come naturally, on its on way, and then must it be accepted and we must learn from it, without letting ourselfes be possesed by it, that would turn our grey life into a black life. And do not ignore pain, don't do as if nothing happens, that creates a false white life that, as fragile as it is, will turn into the blackest of lifes when broken.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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