An Eternal parentage

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[The Quinjet lands outside a large farmhouse and they all walk towards the house]

Thor: What is this place?

Tony Stark: A safe house?

Clint Barton: Let's hope. [they all enter the house] Honey, I'm home.

[Barton's heavily pregnant wife, Laura, walks in from the kitchen]

Clint Barton: Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead.

Laura Barton: Hey.

Tony Stark: [Laura kisses Barton; to Thor] This is an agent of some kind.

Clint Barton: [introducing his wife to the team] Gentleman, this is Laura.

Laura Barton: I know all your names.

[They all look at her awkwardly]

Clint Barton: Ooh, incoming. [Barton's children, Cooper and Lila, run in]

Lila Barton: Dad! [Barton picks up his daughter]

Clint Barton: Hi, sweetheart! [kissing the top of his son's head] Hey, buddy! How you guys doing? Ooh...

Tony Stark: [to the others as they watch with surprise] These are...smaller agents.

Clint Barton: Look at your face! Oh, my goodness!

Lila Barton: Did you bring Auntie Nat and Auntie Anya.

Natasha Romanoff: Why don't you hug her and find out?

[Lila rushes towards Natasha, who picks her up in her arms]

Steve Rogers: Sorry for barging in on you.

Tony Stark: Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed.

Clint Barton: Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low.

Laura Barton: Honey. Ah, I missed you.

Natasha Romanoff: [touching Laura's stomach] How's little Natasha, huh?

Laura Barton: She's...Nathaniel.

[Natasha bends towards Laura's pregnant stomach]

Natasha Romanoff: Traitor.

[The hallucinations brought on by Wanda continue to creep up in Thor's mind and he walks out of the house]

Steve Rogers: Thor.

Thor: I saw something in that dream. I need answers, I won't find them here. [Thor uses his hammer to fly away; Steve turns to enter the house when he hears Peggy's voice from Wanda's vision]

Peggy Carter: We can go home.

[Instead of going inside, he turns and walks away.]

[Laura checks Barton's wound that Pietro had give him]

Clint Barton: See, you worried for nothing. Can't even feel the difference, can you?

Laura Barton: If they're sleeping here, some of them are gonna have to double up.

Clint Barton: [Barton laughs] Yeah, that's not gonna sell.

Laura Barton: What about Nat and Dr. Banner? How long has that been going on?

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