Court. ( sparklings pov )

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I drove to the house. We had a hour before.... The trial.

He was crying. He was obviously scared too see them again. I looked at him. Eye patch over eye bandages on legs and arms. I kissed him. " its gonna be ok. darling.." He looked at me and smiled. A little smile. Before we knew it, it was time to go.

We walked in court and sat down. He was clutching my hand.
See, cookie courts a bit.... Different... Two red seats. Two blue seats. We sat in blue , his parents sat in red. There was also lots of riser enough for everyone in the town, Because in cookie court... Everyone gets invited to go in the risers.

I felt herb grab my hand. His parents glared. I hugged herb and flipped them off. They were about to scream at me but then the judge came.

He pounded the hammer thing. I don't know what its called because I never went to court. I was usually the only one staying home the rest of the town went.I forgot to say the judge  has two buttons that turn the microphones on our seats. And the " jury " votes who's guilty. or if anyone is guilty. I saw my parents in the jury. They were proud of me for standing up for us.

" Welcome to cookie court. We our having  trail for..Miss and mr flower cookie.

I looked at him. He was shaking. I grabbed his hand. "Now lets get started. " He handed the microphone tho herb. He held onto it. " Herb. What made your parents so angry?" I was so mad. That should not matter. He was beaten until passing out. He had to be token to the ER..!

"Sir. His parents did this because he is homosexual." Herb was quietly taking to himself. I looked at him and hugged him. " Alright. Mrs and mr flower. Why did you think that was a goid choice."


He was shocked

Herb stared in his moms eye. He started crying. " YOU CANT SAY THAT TO YOUR SON!" I yelled. " YES I CAN!" The judge pounds on his hammer. " Alright. Quick recess for me to decide and talk to the citizens. "  I feel like that trial was really shoetr. But for felt like forever.....

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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