Chapter 1

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(Please appreciate the effort I made for the cover, took me a whole 20 minutes. Mainly because erasing the background and finding title was very time consuming)

Kim was sitting in his seat. Zoning out every so often because of the lecture being dragged out to its core. It was his least favorite subject (insert a subject) and he always found himself not paying attention all that well. What was worse was the teacher, Mr Hon. No one really liked him, he was always so strict and never took the time to listen or really help his students, always rushing through lectures and assignments.

God forbid you were out that day, it was a struggle to get any help from him. He made the kids wonder why he took up the job as a teacher in the first place.

"Kim, if my lecture is so boring that you can't even pay attention to what the class is trying to learn then maybe you can find something interesting in the office." Mr Hon had pointed to the door, basically telling Kim to leave the room immediately. But who could blame Kim? Most of the staff knew about Mr Hons behavior but because he didn't do anything detrimental then he continued to teach at Karasuno.

"What? Why? I am paying attention, something just caught my eye is all." Kim tried to muster up an excuse but even he didn't believe it. With no other word and only a stern glare coming from Mr Hon, Kim left the room. He huffed out a sigh once he heard the door click behind him, not wanting to give Hon some more evidence as to how Kim is just so "disrespectful".

Disrespect has been the main reasons as to why Kim has been sent to the office, mainly coming from Hon. Mr Hon would give exaggerated scenarios of what would happen in class, using these situations as reasons as to why Kim was in the office. The office knew it wasn't all true but they couldn't dismiss it either, so they would give Kim warnings.

But after so many times, Kim was gonna get a detention. It was bound to happen. This was his final warning, meaning, a one-way ticket to detention.

While Kim walked down the hall, heading to the office, he seen a flyer. The flyer was on a big board with other flyers stuck to it as well. This flyer in particular caught his eye, it was for the male volleyball team. In big orange bold letters it said "Wanting to help out our schools volleyball team?" And in a basic black font it also said, "sign up now to possibly be chosen as temporary manager for the Karasuno male volleyball team."

Kim stopped and observed the flyer. It was decorated with volleyball stickers and had some of the faces of who was in the team on there as well. It also had a girl he recognized, Kiyoko. She was fairly popular, a lot of guys fantasied about her and the girls envied her. But what really caught his eye was a boy whom he would see at lunch, usually he would be accompanied by a green haired boy, Yamaguchi.

He only knew Yamaguchi because they would see each other a lot at the 7-11 near by. However, Yamaguchi would often referred to the blonde as "Tsuki". Knowing that couldn't possibly be his name and only a nickname, he never referred to him as that. Only, "the blonde with the glasses".

At the bottom of the flyer was a space for signatures. Curious, he signed it. It seemed either no one was interested or they had just put it up because there was only 1 other signature, not including his. Though, he really didn't care. But it would help with his reputation and opportunities in the future, so he held some hopes.

After he signed it, he continued on his walk to the office, not really thinking to much in the whole being a possible temporary  manager for the team.


As the week went on he basically forgot about the whole "manager" thing. Sometimes he would get curious and check his emails but nothing would pop up. Completely losing his hope, he decided to not waste his energy on it and forget about it.

He was used to it, he didn't get a lot of opportunities, he blamed Hon. Mr Hon dragged his name through the dirt, telling teachers and faculty members about his oh-so disrespectful behaviors and foul language. Yet he never had proof to back it up.

But new teachers believed the gag and always kept a distance from him, which led to him not having the best rep. But again, he couldn't do much about it.

That would be until a special email comes in.


It was Kims free period and he was checking his emails and working on any assignments he might have forgot to do before the week ended. It was currently Thursday and he had yet to get any emails about the manager situation. Until now.


A small notification popped up in the bottom left corner of his computer. It was the email used personally by the coach of the males volleyball team. He clicked on it and read through the email. Interest was shown in his face as he slowly read through.

Basically the whole thing stated that he got accepted. All he needed to do was sign an application/consent form that would further explain his role as manager. Such as uniform, meet time, his responsibility blah blah blah. He had done it before, but it was to be an actual member of a volleyball team.

His parents supported his choice to use volleyball as an extra curiculer, seeing as it would help for scholarships. But that was in the past. Though, he didn't think his parents wouls mind now, he's in highschool now so it would help out a lot more. Plus its something that gets him out of the house.

He also had briefly brought it up to his parents, more so a question than anything. He had asked, "would you care if I got involved in volleyball again?" His parents waved him off but sounded accepting, which was more than enough to tell him they didn't mind. Now, all that was left was to stop at the gym after school.

Wouldn't be to hard, right?


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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