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Ok well most of you guys don't know but I'm a cutter
And today my parents finally found out
I'm getting called names like stupid,bitch,idiot,and others from my parents
I'm also being threatened to be hit and other stuff
Also they are yelling at me and saying If I want to end my life so bad that I should just do it
Also I'm locked in my room and I'm not aloud to eat or do anything they are taking away everything in my room and yeah
The only things I'm aloud to have is my iPad and my pillow so they are
Practically wanting to kill me well I want to die so bad but you know I can't because there is so many people I love but my family isn't one of them I wish someone can just come and take me away
I just can't let them win and right know I am wishing I could leave maybe I should maybe everything would be better but on wait the cops will be on my ass in 3 seconds if I walked out the door my fucking parents are the worst and everything they do is stupid I just want a new family
I need a knew family I'm tired of getting abused and yelled at and everything else

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