
Start from the beginning

" because Peeta decided to come over to the table and speak to every fucking person and ignore me. I don't even know why I'm so pissed, it's not nice seeing you friend sit there and ignore you in front of everyone and you can't even join in the conversation because you'll feel like a complete idiot!" I said and shot my last arrow full of force

" all I said was hi Peeta like everybody else! All I need was a grunt or something, maybe he could've taken into consideration that I was sitting there, little fucker!" I said and he chuckled

" why are you laughing?! I'm being serious!" I asked and threw my bow on the ground

" seems like Johanna's attitude and language is rubbing off on you"

" don't bring her into this! No need to drag her name into this, and I'm my own person I can choose to use that language if I want and be angry" I snarled and collect my arrows

" since when have you been this overprotective of Johanna Mason?" He asked and I rolled my eyes

" since shes help me and I've help her, she done a lot for me Gale" I said and he crossed his arms

" and what I haven't done anything?"

" when did I ever say you didn't? Listen, Johanna's different ok. We understand each other" I said and blushed

" I just find it strange how close use became, kinda like the whole act with you and Peeta" he said and my mouth dropped open

" our relationship is nothing like that! We aren't faking anything for the cameras, if you actually seen the way me and her are you wouldn't be saying of this shit! You know for being my best friend I thought you would've been happy seeing me finally happy after the shitty two years of faking shit for the capital and their pleasure!" I snapped probably taking Gale back by the out burst

" people might just have their speculations"

" no Gale! YOUR the only person who does!"

And with that I stormed off for the second time today and I feel no better than when I left the cafeteria.

" STUPID FUCKING DOOR!" I yelled as it wouldn't lock properly causing me to punch it multiple teams causing my knuckles to bleed

" fucking piece of shit!" I exclaimed and hit other things trying to get rid of all this anger

The Peeta situation made me angry but Gale saying that whatever me and Johanna having being an act pushed me too far.

" Katniss open the door!"

" Oh just fuck off!" I yelled not caring who was behind the door and I heard their footsteps turn and run

My anger turned into tears and I had no idea why I began crying. It wasn't the pain from the knuckles on each hand, it was like I was so angry that the only way to fully let it out was by crying.

" Kat-"

" I SAID FUCK OFF PLEASE!" I yelled in a mixture of sobs

" Katniss open the door it's Johanna open the door please" she said and I refused to get up off of the bed I sat on and watch my hands closely

" Brainless open this door now" she said more seriously causing me to arise off of the bed and walked to the lock and unlock it

Johanna stood in front of the door with my mom standing behind her with Prim beside her.

" happy now?" I asked and Johanna stepped in not seeing my hands yet

" I'll be happy when you tell me what happened, why your so upset"

" I'm not upset, I'm pissed off and angry!" I said and she nodded and closed the door

" ok then tell me why your angry" she asked

" because I was completely ignored at the table, felt like a weirdo sitting there. Then I was with Gale and he tried to say that our relationship or whatever it is, is fake! Like the way me and Peeta were, that's not true though your different" I said and let all the steam leave my body

" hey you know that Gale isn't right ok, and nobody thinks like that. I promise. Peeta is probably still in the mindset that you are the enemy and that will disappear soon ok" she said and I nodded grunting into my hands

" Jesus fuck Katniss your hands! What were you doing?" She asked looking at the cuts and bruises already forming

" punched the door and wall a couple times"

" damn Everdeen you get angry Angry"

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 - 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now