"Get to the point. Will you give me the reward if I bring back Bo Yul-Bayur first?"

"So impatient. Manners of the Barrel, I assume. But, my point is, I was hoping you would come to me eventually. Because you have the skills for this job. You can make great escapes. You will need it for the Ice Court. Did you hear about the DeKappel that was stolen a few months ago?"

Of course I've heard. I'm the one who stole it.

"Why does this concern me?" I ask.

"A humble one, aren't you? I'll give you the money if you complete the job first. You have a more reliable chance to escape than Pekka. We both know that. I gave the offer to him first to see just how far you would go to take it. And you've impressed me. Now go. Bring back Bo Yul-Bayur. I'll be waiting."

Finally, he is done talking. All merchants do is talk in circles. Half of the time they don't know what they are saying. I thought I would need to convince him more, but he seemed to have talked himself into giving me the offer better than I could've. I'll take it. I head out of the mansion and back to the Barrel. The sun is now almost fully out. It is time to get some new Crows. We are going on a heist.


Y/N is already awake and perched on my windowsill when I get back. The morning sun bathes her silhouette in gold. I pause for a second and just take in the sight. She looks out of the window, like usual, as if willing the spring to begin.

"Plans, Brekker?" Y/N says suddenly, without turning to me. She knew I was there the whole time. I shake myself out of my little trance.

"With you Y/N? Always."

She lets out a small laugh. It is so distantly familiar, and always welcome. I would bottle it up and drink it every night if I could. But that's impossible. So instead I just say things that will make her laugh and try to remember the sound.

"You know what I mean. Did Van Eck agree to give you the money?" she asks.

"He did. Now we just need to get three people, and we can leave from the harbor tonight," I say. A simplified plan, really, but no one else needs to know that I have a decoy boat set up in case we get ambushed.

"It's all coming together. Who are we getting first?"

Y/N's question makes me think. Jesper can retrieve our demo man later, Hellgate is a bit of a journey, so that means...

"Nina Zenik. A Heartrender at the White Rose. Let Inej know that it will just be me and you retrieving her. She will get word to Jesper. Be back in five minutes ready to go," I say.

She nods once and is off to put the plan into motion. Nina is part of the Dregs. Originally from Ravka, and wants to free a Fjerdan from Hellgate. Talk about forbidden love. But, alas, her situation means that I have leverage on her. And I intend to use it.

Y/N is back in my room in five minutes, punctual as usual, though she still seems a bit tired from her fight yesterday.

"Are you sure you want to come?" I ask.

"I'm fine, Kaz. My arm is just sore, but as long as I don't strain it, I'll be okay."

I'll make sure we don't get into trouble. We head out through the Barrel and into the White Rose. Pleasure houses are always my least favorite place to visit for a job. Heavily perfumed and oddly warm. Everything about them is wrong. I stand closer to Y/N when we pass through the front doors. I can never trust anyone in the Barrel, especially in a place like this.

The Red Ribbon {Kaz Brekker X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now