chapter 4⃣

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-sams pov-
at this point I was boiling mad, on the inside.
"Babe.. you know how you're going on tour and all." I started. he just stood there.

"yea," he whispered.

"I can't do.. long distance."

as soon as I said it he fell to the floor. he was unconscious. I grabbed a phone and called 911. before I knew it we were at the hospital, he has an IV in and a breathing machine.

"it seems he had a heart attack?" the doctor said cautiously.

"it doesn't seem as if you're sure.."
"I'm not truthfully. in all of my years nothing like this has ever happened."

"is he going to be okay? doc?"

"it seems so."

at this point I was crying. I love him. I love Harry. I don't think I can leave him. my heart is throbbing. I love him.

"he will wake up within the next couple of hours" the doctor says as he's leaving the room.

I just sit there plainly staring at him. I can't leave him, I just can't. I decide instead of sobbing, & steering hopelessly at him I'll go to the cafeteria.

I set out on my journey. cafeteria it is. right, down this hall, left, straight, and finally into the door. I'm surprised it's open. I look in my pockets, I've got $5.75 to my name, and that's in miscellaneous change. hmm... everything looks so good!! I think I'll grab some pudding, a cookie, some chocolate milk, and to make things healthier, apple sauce. I place my items onto the register stand and wait for the lady to ring my items up.
"that'll be $4.30 please" she says in a thick Irish accent.

I almost didn't understand her. I gave her the money, and gathered my things and went to the eating area. I sat down and began to eat. starting first with the pudding. each spoonful I thought of another reason I couldn't leave Harry.

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I just can't stop thinking of reasons. it's decided, I can't leave him. I know that now. maybe I'll tour with him. I think as I open the chocolate milk, and take a sip, then reach for my chocolate chip cookie. I have to say this is the best combo ever!! chocolate milk & a cookie, I couldn't ask for anything more. except Harry. I finish up the cookie & milk and head back to Harry's room. I cautiously walk into the room. oh thank god he hasn't woken yet. I sit down and begin to eat my apple sauce. I look at his body, he's so hot, even in a hospital gown. as soon as I finish my apple sauce I throw it into the waste basket. I catch myself think about Harry, and what it would be like to have kids with him. before I know it I'm asleep.

I wake up, and check my phone. it's 4:01pm. I slept for a long time. I glance at Harry and he's awake. he's looking at me with his beautiful green eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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