Disclaimer & Copyrights

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Trigger warning: read this page carefully.

The book involves forced proximity

If it's not your cup of tea or if it triggers you
do not read

next person to comment negatively on an obvious trope will be blocked.

you have been warned.


1. If your world is black and white, and there are no greys in it,
This is for you.

2. I write darker stories, that might disturb or upset you. You might not agree with concepts of a darker romance. (Ps: dark romance doesn't mean hero is in the mafia or he's insanely rich or wears only black)

3. You might not agree with the storyline, so you have been warned before.
This isn't a soft, flowery romantic story.
3. (a) The reason I write darker romances for are:
- That's how I view love
- You don't get to love without sacrificing
- Sacrificing in love doesn't mean to give away something materialistic.
3. (b) It means sacrificing a part of you,
Love breaks you and then you soar, you soar in love
and become one with whom you have fallen for.

4. Relationships and people are not a straight line, and you don't put the person you love on a pedestal.
You choose and accept to love them with their good and bad. You embrace both, how they are and who they are.

4. (a) You can also choose not to love them.
- Keep loving them, but distance yourself .
- Choose to love yourself first.
That's your story.
These are my stories.

Ps: It's insane that I am writing a long paragraph trying to make my audience understand my type of writing but the comments of some triggered (people who have perfect straight line views of relationships)  but you have been given a fair picture. Thankyou for reading a long disclaimer.


I am very serious about copyrights infringement so please save me and yourself the pain. Do not copy my story or use it in any other form, instead use your own brain and try to write a story from your own creativity. You never know you could be a better writer than me.

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