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Carmen's POV

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Carmen's POV

I start to open up the cafe I run for the day. I've been in charge of it for a month since the owner retired and business is good so far. When I turn on the radio a familiar song starts to play. I smile and start to hum along as I open the glass folding doors. Soon I'm singing along to the radio.

"You can tell she's a princess
She doesn't need a crown
You can tell she's a princess
She'll turn the world around
You can see it in her style
You can see it in her smile
You can see it in her flair
And the way she wears her hair
Spinning, spinning
Twirling, twirling
Girly, girly, girly
You can tell she's a princess
She doesn't need a crown
You can tell she's a princess
She'll turn the world around" I sing as I head outside to put rubbish in the dumpster in the alley way. When I hear someone else singing. But a guy. Being the curious, I follow the sound to see male gorilla across the road in another alley way singing and smile. He has a really amazing singing voice. He sees me and smiles started to sing a new song.

"Could you ever be really close to me? I can tell the way you smile, if I feel that I could be certain then I would say. The things I want to say to..." he stops singing as two rhino cops appear. I frown in confusion as he hides from their view. Why would he hide from them?

One of the police officers looked into the alley way the male gorilla had hidden himself. "I thought I heard someone singing there. Ah, whatever" he mutters. He and his college continue on their way down the street.

"Hey Carmen" the second one says when he spots me. I smile gently in greeting and wave. "Any Danish Pastries today?" he asks me hopeful.

"Yes, berry ones" I tell him with a smile.

"Excellent, we'll see you..." he starts to say. Suddenly we hear glass breaking from the alley way. "Carmen go to your cafe and lock the doors" he tells me. Before he and his partner ran for the alley way. When they reach it a Ute peels out with three masked gorillas. The one I saw runs after it and is pulled in as the rhino cops start to chase them. How can someone with such an amazing singing voice be a criminal?

(Time skip)

I was closing up for the end of the day. I saw on the news that they didn't catch the gorilla thieves. Asking for anyone with information on them to come forward. I wonder if I'll ever see that gorilla again? Or hear him sing again? Suddenly yellow papers fall from the sky and I look up at them confused.

One lands on the table I had been about to clean. I look at it and gasp. It's a singing competition at the Moon Theater and the prize is $100,000. That could get me into music school. I pocket the flier and get back to cleaning. I close up the cafe and head for my apartment down the street. Wondering about that male gorilla I had seen. But I shake my head, he's a criminal I can't let him distract me.

I place the flier down by an old photo on my dresser. It was of me with my best friend from childhood. His name was Johnny, but was called Little Johnny. He was a gorilla like me, except grey. We used to like each other a lot. We were always playing house together. He promised one day we'd be a real family, but then my family moved away. Due to my dad's work.

I just got back six months ago after ten years of being away and I doubt he's still around. Even if he was, I doubt he'd remember me. We probably wouldn't even recognize each other. I still have the necklace he gave me though before I left. I never take it off. It's my most prized possession.

(Garage) Johnny's POV

We escaped the cops and I just shut the roller door. When I notice a yellow flier beside me. It was advertising a singing competition with a grand prize of $100,000 at the Moon Theater. I wonder if she'll be there? I've heard her sing a few times since I saw her a few weeks ago and she has an amazing voice. If I audition, maybe I'd finally get to meet her again in person. Instead of watching her from a far, like some stalker.

I hear the others coming and pocket the flier. So that they don't see it. Dad calls me into his office. "You were watching her again weren't you" he says. As he counts the money from today's heist.

"No" I deny and he gives me a look. "Ok, maybe" I mumble. Avoiding his eyes.

"Son, I know you're young and she's very pretty. But you can't let her distract you from your job. We were all nearly caught because of you" he tells me annoyed.

"I know dad, it won't happen again" I assure him.

"It had better not" he tells me. "Now get out of my sight, I have work to do" he orders. I nod and left his office. I go to my room and sit on my bed pulling the flier out.

What's he want me to do? I've liked her since we were kids, though I doubt she remembers me. Her family moved away when we were young. She just got back herself and I recognized her straight away. When I saw her at the cafe. We used to play house together and said we'd marry each other one day.

But we live such different lives now. I'm a criminal and she runs a internet cafe. Would she even remember me? Would she even want to be friends with me? Why do I have to be such a coward? Why can't I just man up and talk to her, like a normal person?


Picture above of the flier and picture in chapter of Carmen on the cover with Johnny. Video above of the song and that's her voice.

Carmen: Sing OCWhere stories live. Discover now