Chapter 16

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Tuesday June 2nd 2020 10:30am
(25 weeks & 1 day prego)

"Good morning baby" Kyle said kissing me awake


"I need you up, my agent just called me, the NBA is starting back up soon so he's gonna zoom call us at 11 to give us a full rundown"

"And I have to be there?" I yawned


"We also have a doctors appointment today at 3. And the kids are going to San D"

"I know so let's get going"

The last 2 days I've just been laying around not really doing much because this damn baby won't sit still, but today I'm gonna get back right.

I got out the bed took a shower, did my hygiene and found an outfit.

"I need to be productive today, like seriously"

"You will"

I did a light makeup look put my hair in a ponytail, I got a silk press a couple weeks ago just to let my hair breath, then I put on a hoodie and woke the kids up

"Hey guys, time to get up, y'all leaving at 2, it's almost 11. I need y'all to clean y'all's rooms please, have all y'all's dirty clothes sheets and pillow cases in your baskets ready to be washed, rooms cleaned to perfection and I will be going back in to see what y'all didn't do. Get it going. And we're on an important zoom call in the office please be sure to keep it down"

After I got them up and going it was time to hop on the call with the agent.

"Good afternoon family" Kyle's agent Austin Brown smiled

"Good morning" We both smiled back

"I'm not gonna hold y'all long I'm gonna get straight into it, so for the last few weeks I know y'all have been hearing about the NBA starting up and obviously it's official, the official write up about it is supposed to be coming out in the next day or so but of course it's my job to tell you guys before the Internet does"

"Okay" We nodded

"So on July first 7 the Lakers team is set to fly out to Disney world in Florida for what they're call 'the bubble'. As you know all the facilities are closed down but they will be opening up the 15th of this month, of course we are asking you to still take precautions, stay Covid safe, mask up, if you leave the house please put your mask on, keep your surfaces disinfected and clean just to be safe, your coaches and trainers will come to you personally to give you dates and times on your gym times I'm not exactly sure if you will be by yourself or with other teammates, just still be safe for when the time comes and especially being around Jayda since she's pregnant"

"Yes for sure, so how is the flight situation gonna go?"

"On July 3 we're sending out a mandatory quarantine, stay in your house don't go anywhere you will get tested twice and then the 7th you guys are coming in for a team workout, everybody will be tested before every workout, a lunch and then you guys will be on a flight on outta here"

"What about the families?" I asked

"So nobody is for sure on exactly how they're doing that, from what I know they're talking about allowing three family members to come once playoffs start until the team leaves the bubble but I'm not exactly sure if that's how they're doing it but I think that's the road they're going to take"

"Okay" I nodded

"But yeah now I'm just asking you Kyle to just settle yourself down for the next month get your body right stay home as much as possible unless it's team or baby related"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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