I looked at his "still" face wishing I can hear something.

Him making a smart comment

" Julian I miss you so much. I miss your voice. Seeing you play with the kids"

" we all miss you"

" I know we don't always see eye to eye but just know . . . I love you sooo much"

" It has been a roller coaster with you" I said laughing a little.

" but I honestly wouldn't want it with anyone else"

" just please . . . wake up"

I looked for any visible motion and didn't see any.

The tears fell to my open chest. None of this wasn't right.

" you don't suppose to be h-here"

" y-you can't leave us like this" I said getting choked up.

Another 30 minutes pass by when two nurses came in.

" Sweetie have you gotten some rest" She said giving me a smile.

" yes ma'am"

" I'm pretty sure it probably wasn't enough" she said checking the monitors and putting food through his feeding tube.

I watched at what she was doing.

" he's gonna be just fine baby"

" God got him"

The other nurse left leaving the main nurse in here with me.

" Are ya married" She said with a southern accent looking between us two.

" Um . . . no ma'am" I said shaking my head.

" well . . . he's a lucky man but I want you to take care of yourself as well" she said before leaving out.

Not even five minutes later my mom was coming in with the kids.

She has truly been a blessing watching them.

" mommy !"

" Shhhh" I said scolding Kianna

She ran up to my knees as I picked her up sitting her in my lap.

" Daddy" she said trying to climb in his bed.

" No you can't do that baby" My mama said to her.

" yes daddy is sle-sleeping" I said pulling her back in my lap.

" Did you bring her tablet"  I asked

She looked in Sincere scroller storage area getting it out passing it to me.

" How you holding up" my mama asked .

" I'm okay"

For a minute she was quiet making me look at her. She was shaking her head.

" how are you really doing Sierra?"

I took a deep breath before speaking.

" I just want him to wake up" I said glancing at him.

" He will baby . . . My son is going to be just fine"

" mama" I said laughing while blushing a little.

" Whaat ?  I ain't say nothing wrong" she said looking at me batting her eye lashes.

I looked down at Kianna watching her playing a game on her tablet.

" I'm cooking Sunday dinner if you want me to drop off a plate"

" no I don't want you driving back up here that would be too much"

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