Chapter 3

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Was this the same gentleman I felt? Or was this someone completely different? His hands were smooth but firm as he pressed down on my jaw. Was he bipolar? I felt his other hand press something to my lips. "Take this." His voice was snipped but dominant. His voice carried through the room and straight into my bones. It took everything not to shake under his voice.

I obediently opened my mouth while he placed a small oval-shaped thing in my mouth. A pill? He was seriously drugging me?! I wasn't falling for it so fast. I took the pill in my mouth and pretended to swallow it with some spit but I kept it in the side of my mouth. He must have seen me "swallow" it because he growled in appreciation.

I was still, as he slid his hand from my jaw down to my neck. He gripped my neck as I gave a small squeak. This couldn't be the same man. The man I first had was sweet and gentle.. but what if it was only him sweetening me up. He released my neck and snarled. "The drug is effective immediately. Look at how pathetic she is now. Heh. Not so big and bad." He grabbed a fist full of my hair and tightly pulled back making me tilt my head up sharply. He bent down and put his lips to my neck while searing me with his words. "Now are we, pet~"

Oh hell no. The guy from the beginning is the fucking king. It took everything not to stand up and meet this man head to head. I was not a rag doll for him to fuck around with. I bit back my anger as he shoved my head back. But what surprised me more is I felt his hands brush through my hair.. in a lover's way. He tipped my head up slightly and brushed strands of hair out of my face. How did he get in front of me.. and why was he so bipolar.

If only I could take this damn silk off my eyes. His touch burned at me. Leaving welts and blisters as he rubbed my face sweetly. I felt him kneel in front of me and move his hands to my knees. He then slowly slid his hands up my thighs. He was slow.. and passionate. I went to put my head back when the pill fell down my throat. Oh. No. I swallowed it.

But I didn't feel anything. I was still in full control. He finally got to my short skirt and dipped his hands to barely graze my core. I threw my head back and hit something. But it.. wasn't hard like a wall. I felt another set of hands slide down my face to my neck until the hands were cupping my chest. "I can't wait to sink my teeth into her."

Why was he always saying her? And why did it feel like there were 4 hands on me? Was this the pill? Oh God this was the pill. I was so in thought that I almost didn't catch what happened next. I heard a snarl in front of me and words that felt like silk over my skin. So soft, so dominant. So, Godly. "She is mine."

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