A Playground Amid the Dark (2/20/15)

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Where once echoed screams

now is empty, and hungers to be filled again.

Between the trees, through the brush, and

into the night, the worn path of my victims.

A melody in the distance intoxicates

every part of me. The hushed squeaks of chains swaying

back and forth, back and forth.

The shriek of unoiled old metal spinning with little hands

trying to hold on so not to fall as it spins

round, and around.

And giggles everywhere.

A beautiful face gleams

with innocence and joy, which I'm soon to break.

"Come here little boy,"

I whisper.

Step, step. Into the tree line and out

of sight. Say goodbye to the world you know

and welcome to my mind.

"What is your name?"

Step, step. Walk deeper and don't worry

about the mist. They're your friends.

I mean, the ghosts of children before you.

"Don't be afraid,"

They always follow until lost in the woods.

Curious minded creatures. So sweet but fools.

"Over here."

I hiss between the shadows.

Ha! My favorite part! Run, my puppet.

Run far until you think you've lost

the being lurking in the dark and trip.

Blood will drip

from your knee,

and in pain you'll whimper softly.

Weary eyed looking everywhere yet blind

you'll wonder where I am and when I'll come.

I'll lean over your shoulder blow and when you

jerk your head, I'll be standing in front of you, watching

as you glare at the place where you felt me last.

I'll claw at your face. As you get up and run

you'll trip and hit your head on a rock. In front,

you'll see a light and hear giggles. While in a daze, slowly

you'll watch it dissapear and not realize that it's because

I drag you to the depths of light's dread.

You'll squirm when you awake. I'll grab you

by the throat and then stare.

"Do you know how gorgeous your eyes are?"

A tear drop rolls down your cheek, but

it's okay because I can wipe it.

I'll grind your face into the ground until it's gone.

With a dead branch I'll slash your eyes,

so you can't see.

I will kiss you and then shred your tongue with my teeth,

so you can't taste.

Two rocks will bash into the sides of your head,

until you can't hear.

All the senses that make you human will disappear.

After the agonizing pain has taken its toll,

when your last breath is within minutes and your soul

slowly withers and becomes part of the mist,

I'll strip you of your clothes and take what still makes you a child.

and finally...

Where once echoed screams

now is empty, and hungers to be filled again.

Between the trees, through the brush, and

into the night, the worn path of my victims.

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