"So, Amy, what are you doing here in Finland? Tomorrow is a school day" Lok asked laughing while ignoring that he indeed owed Amy a huge favor.

"I could ask you the same" Amy tried to avoid the questions with a question of her own.

"I asked you first, so you answer first"

"Um, ah, well... There's something here that belongs to me and it was about time I got it back. But yeah, long story short, I'm just quickly picking up my stuff and going back home" Amy answered with a casual shrug, but there was something weird behind her little smile. It was almost like she was hiding something that she didn't want to talk about at the moment.

Zhalia noticed something weird about this girl right away, the alarm in her head going off loud and clear. Her experience was telling her that the girl was lying, and she was lying big time. And it was way too obvious. She was all messed up, mysterious, and was avoiding answering at first. And then, Zhalia felt it again. The feeling that something will go wrong. Really wrong. And this girl will cause it. Zhalia didn't know how, but this girl will make the team fail their mission. She had to keep an eye on her.

"Lok, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but we really need to go. We are already late" Dante said before Amy would ask Lok what is he doing here.

"Oh, yeah. So, see you in school these days Amy?"

"Yeah, of course. Try not to bump into the wrong people again, ok? Bye Lok. It was nice to meet you guys. Goodbye." Amy waved at them and vanished in the darkness of the Helsinki streets.

"Ok, let's go, team, we have a mission to do", Dante told them and lead the way away from the Hotel.

They caught a taxi and went to the seaside of Helsinki, making sure they kept hidden in the shadows as much as possible. From there they took a boat and went towards the great sea fortress Suomenlinna. They set sail on one of the six great islands without anyone noticing them.

"Ok team, this is the plan. Get in, avoid all traps, get the titan Ravenheart, get out, and go back to Venice with the next plain tomorrow. Everything clear?" Dante explained the plan once more before entering.

They went thru the details on the way to the island. They all nodded in agreement.

"Good. Let's go"

They were walking through the open space of the island but there was no one around, so they had an easy job sneaking towards the historical fortress.

"Dante, you said this is an inhabited island. Why aren't there any people?" Lok asked wondering and looking around.

"It's because the town is on the other side of the island and it's almost 11 p.m. No one would come out so late in such a cold night so far from the town"

"Oh, right"

As they were heading towards the huge fortress, Sophie started to talk about its past and what it represents.

"The fortress is built on six islands. Its name means 'Castle of Finland'. It has been called Sveaborg by the Swedish rulers. Finns call it Viapori, and that name was used until 1918 when it got its name that we use nowadays"

Zhalia rolled her eyes. She knew everything about this fortress. Back in the Organization, a mission like this was given to her, although she never made it here. She got a more important one instead and allowed this mission to be led by another Organization seeker, but she heard nothing was found in the end. The suits looked on the other five islands, except on this one. This island, Länsi-Mustasaari, was nothing special. There was nothing on this island, only a museum, and a small community of locals. It was new, so they haven't bothered to search here as nobody would be so stupid to hide an ancient artifact at a newly built location. She told Dante all about this, but he told her that she's going to be surprised when she sees where they are going. She woke up from her thoughts when Sophie went on with her 'history lecture'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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