Chapter 29

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Continues from previous

" And where here. " Giyu spoke his car coming to a stop in a parking spot by the school gate. The car drive back was oddly quiet even for Nezuko who was a usually a talkative person. The two sat there for a bit of time without saying anything till finally little Nezuko spoke.

" Nee-san? " Giyu looked at her from the rear view mirror. " Is she gonna be okay. You and Shinobu-senpai looked really freightened by the strange phonecall. " Nezuko said concern filling her voice. Giyu was a bit stunned but decided to put on a smile for Nezuko's sake.

" It'll be alright. I'm going to make sure of it. " Giyu said with affirmation of his goal. " Though in order to do that I need you to do me a solid. " At those words Nezuko instantly hyped up in joy.

" Yeah what. Do I need to do a top secret mission? " She asked

" No but I do need you to not tell anyone about today. You'll just say I took you out for some lunch since you caught me on the way to lunch. " Giyu said with a slight chuckle at Nezuko's actions.

" Okay big brother. My lips are sealed. " Nezuko said with a small smile. Giyu nodded at her before they got out of the car and walked to the school. As soon as they got in they saw it was packed due to it being lunch. Nezuko instantly took off and disappeared into the crowd. Giyu made his way towards the stuff room hurriedly walking through the sea of uniform. As he was walking towards the office his phone rang in his pocket quickly pulling it out he saw it was Sanemi.

" Sanemi talk to me. " Giyu said as he made it to the front of the staff room.

" Giyu. Where are you? " At that point Giyu opened the door to an odd sight. Kanae sat on the sofa her face buried in her hands while Tanjiro and Kanao stood on either side of her ignoring the sight he focused on his call.

" I'm at school. Why? " At the sound of his voice the two children looked up to the door. Instantly their faces showed relief.

" The bastard ditched her phone. So we moving onto plan B Giyu tell me you gave her the ring. " Sanemi said with worry clearly etched into his voice.

" Don't worry I gave it to her. Sanemi is everything going well? " Giyu was horrible at reading the atmosphere of a room unless Shinobu was present to point it out for him. That being said he didn't notice the shift of sadness blooming into a wild fire when Kanae looked up at him her eyes slightly narrowed at the mention of Sanemi.

" Oh thank goodness. I need you to stay on the line with me and update us on her location and don't worry she'll be fine. We're still waiting on someone at the park but we'll move in five. " Giyus face clearly shifted aswell to one of worry, the man had Shinobu and a huge lead while Sanemi seemed to be waiting for whatever reason. At this point Kanae was peacing it together and placing Giyus involvement due to the both him, Nezuko and Shinobu having disappeared earlier. She was just about ready to storm over and give him hell when Giyu suddenly spoke.

" Damnit Sanemi. Track my phone I'm going after her. " With that Giyu cut the call before Sanemi could protest and immediately turned around leaving the staff room and hurriedly walking towards his car. Kanae was left very confused at the man's strange action. Giyu didn't waste any time as soon as he got to his phone he started the car and drove of following the red dot on his screen. In haste he drove like a mad man noticing how far from the city the red dot was meaning the mad man had her in his evil clutches.


Shinobu held onto her seatbelt around the waist tightly her mind was in total panic as she watched the forestry passby as the car moved forward. The forest was so dense it had tall trees with thick shrubs at the top that barely any sunlight was let threw. It didn't help that a thin mist was traveling throughout the forest grounds. While she looked calm and pose on the outside but inside she was at war with her consciousness. On one hand she was thinking to just jump out the moving car and hide in the forest living off nothing but berries. On the other she was putting her faith in both Giyu, Sanemi and also those crime shows she watches where the bad guy is always caught and the girl is saved. Looking towards the man who was driving the car with a bright smile on his face. The way he was smiling and drumming his fingers on the steering wheel wasn't sitting well with Shinobu but then again he was a stalker, rapist and murderer so he as a whole didn't sit well with her.

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