The berries are pink?

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I wonder why Percy was acting like that, he's so, so, not him and it's actually pissing me off, like the way he kissed Melissa was actually so gross, and after he just said that he liked me, that lying SNAKE, Annabeth thought. Out of anger she ran off to find that WITCH Melissa she was going to tell her what she really thoug- Annabeth came to a halt after hearing Melissa talk to Percy about future plans, plans that she could ruin? She hoped so, and after hearing about their walk in the strawberry fields, Annabeth had an idea.

She ran far and fast, using the ingenuity of her mother she got to the fields without anyone seeing her. She ran in and BOOM she was hit with a strong smell, like a new car smell, but it was really strong and and and, she couldn't find the words to describe it, in fact she couldn't find any words, her head was in a flurry and she felt rotten, the last thing she remembered was the distinct look of the pink strawberries, but they were red, weren't they?

Pink StrawberriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora