Defeated, but not quite dead (Jean-Pierre)

Start from the beginning

That's right...I was ordered to guard this streamer. By King Olly. And by gods, they did an awful job of it. It was now torn to pieces, the most imposing thing about it long gone - unless one were to think raining confetti was the most terrifying thing of the century. The spool itself seemed to be smashed to pieces. As it stood, the red streamer was almost entirely gone. They had failed.

Oddly enough, Jean-Pierre didn't feel all that cut up about it. A loss on their otherwise clean battle streak? It was filthy to imagine - how could any self-respecting soldier like themself tolerate it? Not only that, but they were injured badly. Even if they had gotten rusty since, it was embarrassing and gave them no excuse, really. But that was the truth, plain and simple. They didn't feel all that ashamed of their loss, despite it being one that they shouldn't have lost to begin with. If anything, it felt more relieving to know they lost.

It was against...Mario and Olivia, wasn't it? They knew Olivia at least - if they were remembering correctly, she was the king's sister. So...she's rebelling, is she? It put a sour taste in their mouth - before this, most of the battles they'd fought were against a rebellion. They rarely lost a battle against traitors like them. How could they lose so pitifully? They...still had no idea.

It was only two people. I have missiles, for Deluge's sake! Sure, one of them was only a child (if Olly's own age said anything), but...gods, did their wounds hurt. They had to have had something up their sleeves. Jean-Pierre slowly sat up, gently removing the fabric on their nose. Almost as soon as they touched it, it dissolved into a small cloud of yellow dust. It really is gone. They sighed, rubbing their gloved hands. I've failed another king.

But despite all of that...they still didn't feel any shame or guilt crushing them from the inside out. The most anger they could hold about it was that it was against another person who was a rebel, or that they had managed to fail yet another monarch - but even then, it...felt empty. Their head felt light and fuzzy, though they weren't sure if it was because of the injuries, or the empty feelings. Maybe it was both. The only thing they could pinpoint about it was how reminiscent the feeling was whenever they had calmed down from a fit of rage or frustration. Any anger they currently held onto was more mild-mannered, barely enough to fill the now empty pit of fury within themself. Instead it chose to manifest in the form of their injuries, sharp with pain.


They perked up upon hearing the voice - that certainly wasn't theirs. It was familiar, however. Is that...? Surely enough, their opponents were in front of them - Olivia and Mario. Both of them...were still on the tower. How long was I out? It couldn't have been too long, could it?

Regardless, it didn't matter much. They were still at the tower, with Jean-Pierre in front of them. Are they going to attack more, or...? They couldn't be too sure - they doubted that they'd continue fighting an already injured opponent, but then again...they were just about to murder them for Olly.

"W-wait, I thought we beat you!" Olivia yelped, jumping back a bit. Mario was less so, but Jean-Pierre could detect the wariness in his gaze.

Jean-Pierre shifted into a crouch, inching away ever so slightly. "I...believe so. What of it?"

Olivia's gaze briefly darted to the place where the spool was once perched, then back to Jean-Pierre. "M-my brother's streamer was destroyed, though! After we beat you, I assumed you'd disappear with it..."

They shook their head. "I'm sorry to disappoint, but no." Hesitantly, they stood up - their legs ached even more as they did so, however. Mario took a defensive stance as they did so. "My life wasn't tethered to the streamer. So I would guess I not." Olly did imply that I'd likely end up dead again if it disappeared, though...but I'm still here. At least I didn't end up dying of these wounds, but...

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