The Crash

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Buddy's POV: I was finally out of that freezing bus. I'm still mad that Waylon gave up his seat but I understand. Something feels weird. When Waylon gave up his seat, I told him that I hoped his bus breaks down. I mean that's all it's been doin'. He came back with "I hope your 'ol plane crashes". I know he didn't mean anything by it but something feels off. Our pilot, who introduced himself as Roger Peterson looked awfully young to be flying this type of plane in this weather but who am I to judge? I just want to get to Fargo and get my clothes washed.
Here we are up in the air. This can't be good. A few minutes have passed.
Oh God
Oh God
We're headed toward the ground.
I woke up about seven feet away from the plane. Ritchie was to my left. God I hope everyone's okay. I look over at Ritchie and the sight is not pretty. His right eye popped out of his socket and he was unconscious. I wanted to get up but I couldn't. No doubt my legs were broken. My glasses are long gone. I muster up the courage to move over to see the crash. The Big Bopper went over the fence and he was badly injured, but conscious. Now I see Roger's legs dangling out of the plane. I can hear countless cars pulling up and I see people running toward us with four stretchers.
*At the hospital*
The doctor says we'll need to stay here for a week. I wonder how Maria and the baby are doing. No doubt she heard it on the news. I hope the baby's ok. She still has 9 months, a long 9 months.
*9 months later*
Maria is in labor and about to have our baby. I'm so excited to be a dad.
"Ok Maria one more push".
"It's a girl!"
Wow my daughter is beautiful. She has Maria's eyes and my hair. We decided to name her Presley after Elvis.
Presley Marie Holley,
Here's to a wonderful life.
A/N: Sorry I'm not the best writer, but let me know how I did. What do you think would have happened if Buddy had lived?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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