"Hi class, we have a group projects that we will be working on for a few months that's really all we will be doing. You will work with who you are sitting with. You will be searching up topics that I will give you and you guys will have to write an 3 page essay on it and have a power point talking about the topic that you will present. Can I have the-" he pauses for a minute and looks at me. "Can I have the person closest to the window come up and get the topic from me in my office one at a time, starting with this side of the room ending with Sammy. I will be in my office."

Of course he would choose me to be last. All I can do is pray nothing will happen. As we wait for everyone to go the boys talk with each other and I read my book. I get to a point  in my book I don't realize its my turn. I start to get anxiety.

I get up and walk to his office. When I reach it I walk in and keep the door open, but that doesn't happen. "Can you shut the door I have something else I would like to talk to you about Sammy" please god take me away. I turn around to shut the door but I see Jackson's eyes are on the office confused but I give a look like I needed help. Please understand what I need Jackson.


Jackson's POV

She gets up to walk to his office to get the prompt. She's right he is kind of weird he's been watching her since he got in the room. She walks in the office keeping the door open but not even one minute later she turns back around give me a scared look and shutting the door.

I look at Ryan as I stood up and started to walk to his office. Why did he ask her out of all the students to close the door? She looked scared. I have to help help her.

I get to the door and I hear her crying. She sounds like how she sounded the night that Nico dude did something to her. Oh hell no. I knock on the door. Nothing happens. I try to open it. Its locked. Fuck. I look at Ryan who's already walking to where I am. Ryan is our lock picker. I know it sounds wrong but we have our reasons.

He finally gets the door unlocked and I see her sitting in his chair with her hoodie off but she has that top still on. I grab the teacher off her and goes to punch him when someone stops me.

I turn to find her but she's in Ryan's arms with her face in his chest. So who the fuck stopped me? I look back to see Alex. Ryan probably texted him.

"Stay away from her again. If I hear that anything happens to my girl from your hands I will not hesitate to fucking beat your ass and then go to the office. If you need anything from her you can talk to me." I throw him back on the floor as I see she has my hoodie back on and running towards me.

I grab her in my hands as I walk out to the classroom. "Hey love, can you point the way to somewhere private were we can wait till next period to start."

She looks up at me from my arms and points to some doors. I walk out of those to see a football field and some bleachers. I go sit up at the very top of the bleacher with her still in my lap and I pull my phone out to text Ryan.

Jackson: Ry can you find out what the prompt of our assignment is and come out to the bleachers. And tell Alex to get back to class. We still have like 20 minutes left.

Ry: yea. Umm where are the bleachers?

Jackson: go out some double doors that are blue and we will be at the very top.

Ry: yea ill get it and be there soon

I look down at Sam and see her eyes are shut. I realized that we forgot everything in there as well.

Jackson: Ry can you also grab our stuff

Ry: already on it

For a few more minutes I've realized that she has fallen asleep with me rubbing her back. Then Ryan walks up after a while.

As much as I hate it I'm going to have to wake her up so she can go to her next class.

"So what do you have next Ry" I can already feel like ill be alone

"I've got strength, what about you" Ryan is a football player. Its hasn't gotten to the season yet so we all know he's gonna try and get onto it.

I'm the opposite I like to fight, I'm a fighter while Alex is the party person. He almost goes out every weekend.

"I've got government, that's going to be a class I hate." It hate government I never did it at my old school.

"Oh God, are you actually gonna go."

"I have to, I think mom would kill me if I didn't" I start to feel her moving around, I look at my phone to see we had five more minutes left on in this class.

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