Chapter 1

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villains (syndicate)

*Philza - Angel of Death (Wings + strength)
*Technoblade - Thanatos(used bye villains, sometime heroes.)/Blood God (used by media and civilians) (piglin hybrid + strength)
*Wilbur - Siren (piglin hybrid + Voice manipulation)
*Niki - Selkie (can shapeshift to whatever she want for 10 minutes)
*Jack - Strike (lightning, can send shocks)
*Quackity - Jester (weakening, touches someone's temples he can weaken there power)

*Clay - Dream (can predict people moves in a fight)
*George- 404 ( can out anyone to sleep until commanded to wake up, only if toughing 5secs+)
*Sapnap - Pandas (nether demon hybrid, can control fire)
*Karl - Rewind (can turn back time up to 24 hours but will suffer memory damage)

*Ranboo (16) - enderman hybrid, can teleport but experiences dizziness sometimes.
*Tubbo (15) - Goat hybrid, strength. 

If you asked me when he was younger what I wanted as a job, I would have answered with wanting to be a hero or even a doctor

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If you asked me when he was younger what I wanted as a job, I would have answered with wanting to be a hero or even a doctor. Never did I think that I would be waking up at 3am to open my own shop at 4 in the morning. However despite my complaining, I am actually quite content with my life. At just 14 years old I  run my own cafe. I deem myself quite successful. Yes its probably illegal, but oh well who's asking. Not me.

I unlocked the front doors of the cafe and got started on setting everything up. It was Monday morning and we do not open on Sunday afternoon so the machines had settled. I switched on the coffee machine and the lights. The LEDs that surrounded the booths flickered to life and stopped on a soft green colour matching the aesthetic of the shop.

The coffee machine behind me buzzed to life and softy hummed confirming that it had fully turned on. Making my way behind the counter I walked past the humming machine and filled it with water. While waiting for the water to boil i made my way towards the backroom and unlocked the door. It was a simple room that one of my employees had suggested a couple months back.

The room was lined with LEDs which i switched onto green matching the front of the shop when I found the remote. It had two sofas and a couple fold out chairs for when more people are working. I watered the plants that were scattered randomly throughout the room and walked back out to the front to collect ,my morning coffee from the machine.

It may seem basic but people that can wake up this early and go to work with no coffee are both extremely brave and absolutely terrifying.

 The shop was all set up and ready for the day ahead. I opened the blinds and switched the sign on the door from closed to open and waited for the first customers of the day to come in. 

About 3 hours into my shift (precisely 6:54, but who was counting. Not me.) a man walked in and set himself up at the furthest table from where I was sat behind the desk. Internally I sighed as the morning rush started and walked over to his table.

I put on my best customer service voice because apparently you have to be friendly when you own a business and began talking to the man. "Hello sir and welcome to Clementine's, my name is Tommy. What can I get you today?" I almost cringed at how fake I sounded but stopped myself to listen to the man's order. 

He looked up at me, away from his computer and I almost choked on air. How I didn't realise that this man had long pink hair is beyond me but it sure did look amazing. He had blood red eyes that seemed to stare into my soul and devour all of my secrets, but somehow the soft pink hair matched his striking eyes.

"One black coffee, please." he replied suddenly and I nodded embarrassed as I realised that I was staring. "coming right up."

I went back to the counter and started making the order, reminding myself of how creepy that encounter actually was. The guy had interrupted me as I was staring at his hair. After a few minutes I went back over to the table and dropped off his drink just was a group of people walked in through the door.


The day was okay after the embarrassing morning incident. Ranboo and Tubbo came it at 10 to start their shift and I let them deal with the lunch rush. I mean i could have dealt with it but they get paid for a reason right?

I had been chilling in the back room, scrolling through my phone with the news playing o the tv in the background. I was waiting for it to turn 12 so that I could go home and do something that isn't sitting around in this coffee shop. Just to return again at 7pm.

Really I could go home whenever I want but it gets lonely living in my apartment by myself so might as well keep Tubbo and Ranboo company. They must get so lonely without me. So here I am minding my own business and suddenly there was a knock at the door way. Usually my workers would just walk in because it is their work place so why would someone be knocking.

Looking up from my phone screen and towards the doorway I locked eyes with the same man that I had served this morning and that embarrassing encounter replayed in my head. God could this get anymore humiliating. He grunted interrupting me from my train of thought. "Tommy right?" he said and I nodded still slightly confused as to why a customer was in my breakroom. "Your co-worker said that I could find you in here and could just go right ahead."

Without thinking words suddenly spilled out of my mouth "Sorry I'm on break I don't have time for Karens right now, so kindly fuck off." He looked stunned and as equally confused. The neutral expression soon found its way back onto his face and he started talking again.

"No I am not whatever a Karen is I just wanted to ask you a question." Well that was surprising usually anyone that Tubbo  and Ranboo or whoever else was working sent to me were Karens or people just looking to complain and cause trouble.

"Of course, um ...-" "Technoblade" he quickly responded as if he was trying to not interrupt me. "Okay Tehnoblade, what can I do for you king?" Who the fuck names their child Technoblade. "I was wondering where you got those crystals from they look valuable and couldn't have been cheap, they also all look real and the quality is amazing" 

Well that was unexpected. What am I supposed to answer that with. 'Oh yes Technoblade king, these crystals? Made 'em myself.' Who would believe that? Good thing Tommy Careful Danger Kraken Innit is a master at lying.

"Sorry big man can't remember where I got them, but I would be happy to sell you one if you wanted one? Is there a particular one that you had your eye on?" Sounded believable enough I could spare a couple crystals and could always just make more.

"Yes. I want the pink one on the counter out front and any others that you would be okay with selling."

"Alright, Technoblade. Let me go grab some for you." I stood up and went back out front hoping that this Technoblade wasn't a wrong'un and wouldn't steal anything to go and grab the crystals he requested.

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