Arisa x Airhead Male Reader

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I've always been told that I'm an airhead but I can't help it. I'm just fascinated by everything. I'll never forget that day when I managed to make new friends because of my curiosity.

It was like any normal day and I was on my way home from school. I decided to take a different route home as to change things up. As I was walking, I noticed something shiny on the wall. I took a closer look at it.

(Y/N): Is this a star sticker?

I looked further down the street and saw more of the shiny stickers. I decided to follow it. The stickers led me to what looked to be a warehouse. There was also a table outside.

(Y/N): Oooooooo~ Are those bonsai trees?

I looked at the bonsai trees. I was fascinated by how perfectly cut each tree was. Then I heard music coming from the warehouse. I decided to walk to the warehouse. I opened the door and entered. The music was coming from the basement. I went down the stairs and found that the source of the music was coming from five girls. Their music  was really good. When they were done, a girl with short black hair saw me and screamed.

???: Kyaaaaa! Who are you?

The rest of the girls looked at me and then the blonde haired girl with pigtails spoke up. She seemed really mad.

???: You do know that trespassing is a crime.

(Y/N): I saw star stickers on the wall and I followed them here.... Are those cat ears?

I pointed to the girl whose hair looked like cat ears and walked up to her.

???: It's supposed to be a star!

I touched her hair.

(Y/N): Feels like cat ears to me.

She pouted. Then the girl with long brown hair spoke up followed by the girl with the ponytail.

???: This guy is weird.

???: Who are you anyway?

(Y/N): My name is (Y/N) (L/N).

I held up peace signs and smiled at them.

Kasumi: I'm Kasumi Toyama. It's nice to meet you.

Tae: Tae Hanazono. My friends call me, O-Tae.

Rimi: I-I'm R-Rimi... Ushigome.

Saaya: Saaya Yamabuki.

???: Why are you introducing yourselves to this criminal?

Saaya: Come on, Arisa. He did nothing wrong.

Arisa: Ugh, fine. Arisa Ichigaya.

Now that introductions were out of the way, I had one question to ask.

(Y/N): So you guys play music?

Kasumi: Yep. We're actually a band. We're called Poppin' Party.

(Y/N): Woah!

Saaya: We should probably get back to practice.

Kasumi: Arisa, can (Y/N) stay and watch us practice?

Tae: Can he? Can he?

(Y/N): Yeah. Can I? Can I?

Arisa sighed.

Arisa: Fine. But you better not get in our way.

(Y/N): Yay!

I let out a big smile.

*Present day*

That happened months ago and since then I visited to watch them practice. At first, Arisa got annoyed by it but eventually she got used to it.

Right now, Poppin' Party was taking a break and I was talking to Kasumi, Tae and Rimi while Saaya and Arisa were talking.

Rimi: (Y/N)-kun, what do you think of Arisa?

(Y/N): Arisa? Hmmmmm... I think she is very caring.

Kasumi: Yep. She may not seem like it but once you get to know her, you discover that she is very caring.

(Y/N): I'm also fascinated by her bonsai trees. I've seen her trim it and the way she does it fascinates me. The way she does it is so precise and so perfect.

Tae: Wait? Rimi did you ask (Y/N) that because Arisa...

Kasumi covered Tae's mouth with her hand before she could finish what she was going to say.

Kasumi: Let's not talk about that.

Rimi: S-so (Y/N)-kun, did anything interesting happen to you recently?

(Y/N): Yeah. So yesterday on my way home....

3rd Person POV

Saaya: Why don't you just confess to him, Arisa?

Arisa: I don't know if he feels the same way. What if he doesn't like me?

Saaya: It wouldn't hurt to at least try.

Arisa sighed.

Arisa: Fine. I'll attempt to confess



After Poppin' Party was done practing we walked each member home until it was just me and Arisa. We were walking back to Arisa's place.

Arisa: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah?

Arisa: I... I really like you... I love how you are fascinated by everything and you have such a cute smile... And everytime I've seen you, I can't help but fall more in love with you... I understand if you don't feel the same way but I just wanted to tell you how I feel...


(Y/N): No way is that an ice cream cart?

I was about to walk over there to order some ice cream.

(Y/N): You want some?

Arisa: Were you even listening?!

(Y/N): Sorry, were you speaking to me, Arisa?

Arisa: Dummy.

(Y/N): What's wrong? Why are you mad?

Arisa: If words can't tell you how I feel then this will tell you.

Arisa pulled me towards her and our lips connected as we kissed. After a while, we separated for air. Arisa's face was red.

Arisa: I-I really like you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I like everyone but for some reason I like you the most, Arisa.

I smiled at her and her face was even more red.

Arisa: Dummy...

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