(MTF Butters! X Genderfluid Kenny)

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Authors note: Hey guys thanks for reading my last story!

TW! A bit of angst, transphobic slurs, induced S/H
Butters POV:

I've been feeling really dysphoric recently all I have is the same shirt and pants.  I don't have anything that I feel comfortable in.  I slowly fall to the ground sobbing looking at my wrist they were all covered in pink plasters.

Suddenly I hear a knock at my door, "whom could it be I don't remember inviting anyone" I say to myself.
I hesitantly walk to my front door and open it.  It's a box? "It's probably for mom and dad", I pick up the box reading the little note and my eyes widened.

"It's for me?", I take the box to my room rubbing my eyes slightly to make sure I was reading it right. The letter read,

"Dearest Butters, I know you've been feeling down recently.  I used all my savings to buy you these, I know how you feel butters.  It really sucks and no I'm not stalking you I just seen you at school and saw you messing with your shirt and pants.  I put two and two together and figured out, I'm so sorry you feel that way."

   -Love Kenny McCormick

I open the box to find beautiful dresses, with bright cyan colors.  I pulled out a realistic blonde wig and I find a pair of tights and cyan Mary Jane platforms.  I can't control my emotions I start crying and I hug the box tightly smiling.

~the next day at school~

Kenny's POV:

I see butter's dressed up in the clothes I bought her, she was so pretty in the clothing, "Cyan does look good on her", I mutter to myself while giving a lustful look at her.  Then all of a sudden, "Shit... Cartman".  Cartman snorts at Butter's, "Well I didn't know you were such a dumb tranny!"

I ran over and pushed Cartman back, I pull off my hood to reveal my long messy blonde hair, "BACKOFF OF HER FATASS!", I look at butters and hold her hand walking her to the girls restroom.

I pull out a makeup kit and quickly did her make up, "there we go" I smiled feeling my face heat up.  She was just so pretty I couldn't help it, I slowly styled her hair and pulled out a mirror.  It's safe to say she was pretty confident the rest of the day.

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