You two were in your living room, the windows letting in the bright sunshine of the world. The snow on the ground made the sun brighter. You were reading a book with the tele on in the background and Xiao was just in the other room. You wanted to get a sip of water, feeling slightly overheated from the sun on you. You put your book down on the sofa then stand up and stretch.
Xiao walks into the room, his eyes wide and he rushes over to you, lifting you up onto the couch. He stares at your face for a bit hoping it'll pass like it always has. After a minute you open up your eyes, a twinge of embarrassment and guilt hits you. He's not the only one with problems.

"I'm sorry, Xiao..." You say quietly. He shakes his head silently, then caresses your cheek. He feels the relief that you are alright set in.
"Don't be. Are you alright?" He asks gently. You nod your head yes, placing your hand on your forehead. You scooch your back up, sitting up slightly from the couch.
"I always do this to you." You say frowning. But that's the truth. Xiao fell in love with you, married you, knowing that you suffered from this. That's how he met you. You suffered from fainting spells. You became light-headed easily, and you would pass out from it. Sometimes when you were walking, all of a sudden you'd open your eyes on the floor. Often after standing up too quick you would pass out. It was hardly ever expected, but you began to fear that you would pass out, becoming anxious to go out. Xiao has always been a fighter, a defender, and now he wants to fight for you, protect you. He married you regardless of your fainting spells, and regardless of your humanity.
"I don't care if you do." He says. You stare at his golden cat-like eyes longer, then just breathe out. What did I do to deserve someone like him? You think to yourself. It was hard to understand, because you lured him in effortlessly and unintentionally.

Later that night you lay in bed and see him flick on his mask, the eyes brightening, glowing an ominous white, then he waves to you and opens the balcony door, leaving through there. You sigh slightly, but you're happy enough that he changed his schedule to fit for you, so he has more time with you when you are awake. So most nights he is away. Xiao, I'm still sorry for today, for fainting again, for worrying you. You think to yourself before drifting off to sleep soon after.
The bright sun rises around eight in the morning, the snow glistening like little diamonds. Twinkle twinkle... The wind chimes from your balcony jingle a bit, and you see Xiao at the foot of the bed. You sit up quickly with a smile.
"Xiao! You're back. Good morning!" You reach for him like a child and he very shyly smiles, something you will never get used to. You grab around his waist and hold him close, he rests his head on yours, arms loosely around your back.
"Good morning, Y/N." He says quietly. You get up and get changed, then you two go to the kitchen and cook together. He's not too crazy about human food, so you make him his favorite. After seven years of knowing him, you had finally gotten the details about him, you finally knew all he was hiding. Many past rough nights, mistakes and fails have matured your relationship, and when many more good times came out of being with him it surprised both of you equally, giving both of your stomachs a fluttering feeling, and a cloud of heat took over your bodies. You had started to slowly feel a fuzzy warmth when you were around him. The mysterious conqueror of demons had captivated you.
The way he would stare at you made you afraid that maybe he wanted to kill you the way you had seen him kill creatures before, but the soft look in his eyes and memories of him protecting you made you think he thought otherwise. But still, his silent stares reminded you of a cat, and you wondered how often he was around others, the fact that he didn't catch social cues. Why is he spending time with me? You had wondered. All the times he had explained his uninterest in mortals didn't add up with why he was with you. Xiao didn't understand it either. But you had captivated him.

He washed the dishes after you were finished with them, and you two ate at the table, two different dishes. After that you two went outside to the little skating rink you had made.
"Xiao, can you skate with me?~" You ask, holding his hands with yours that were somewhere hidden in your mitt, bringing him onto the ice. He looks at it oddly for a moment. Then to you.
"I... guess so." He agrees.
"Yay!!" You exclaim and smile brightly. It causes a small smile out of him.
So you two put on skates and went around the little rink you created in your spare time. You held his hands skating forwards as he went backwards.
"There's snowflakes on your eye lashes." He says to you, mouth open slightly with wonder. You look up to him and see his eyes brows have turned white.
"So are yours, your entire eyebrows are white too!" You laugh. Somehow later after more jokes you even got him laughing quietly. You go inside and try to warm up, laying on the couch by a little heating vent. You shiver slightly and you see him come over to you.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"I'm cold... do you mind bringing me our blanket?" You ask. He nods and goes to get it. When he comes back he places it over you and to your surprise he crawls over and lays next to you, putting his arms around your body. You close your eyes and melt at the feeling of his warmth and skin.
"Thank you..." You say. He nods his head and hums, "Mhm..." You turn to face him and see he's closed his eyes, looking like he was going to sleep. Xiao doesn't actually need to sleep, but he is capable of doing so. You smile peacefully thinking this is so adorable. So you close your eyes too.

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