Chapter 4

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It was another day at school and Arden was fixing her hair in the bathroom. She readjusted the bow in her hair as Rona came inside the bathroom.

"Aren't you glad the tests are almost done?" Rona asked the girl as she washed her hands.

"Yes. Seokhoon bought tickets to a play for us to go once exams finish" she answered as she finished her hair.

Just then, Eunbyeol came into the bathroom to use the sink, and two girls crowded her.

"Shouldn't you have your own bathroom since you have your own study room?" One girl asked, trying to provoke Eunbyeol and her friend laughing.

"Hey!" Arden shouted as she stared at the two girls. "Leave her alone."

"Well, we're just telling the truth," the other girl said as she grabbed her friend hands and walked out the bathroom as Rona and Arden glared at them.

"What's up with girls like them?" Rona asked curiously and Arden shrugged her shoulders.

"Eunbyeol where are you?" Ms.Jin asked and then walked into the bathroom and saw Eunbyeol. She grabbed her hand. "Don't run off on me like that!"

Ms.Jin dragged Eunbyeol out the bathroom and she had a terrified look on her face as she was dragged out. Arden dug her hands in her blazer pocket and felt a piece of paper in it. She pulled out the small piece of paper and read it.

The paper read 'help me' in Eunbyeol's handwriting. Arden's eyes widened as she crumpled the paper, gaining Rona's attention.

"Arden, what's wrong?" Rona asked as she followed the girl back to their classroom.

"Eunbyeol is in danger and we need to help her" Arden answered as she walked inside the classroom and stopped in front of Seokhoon's desk.

"What's wrong?" Seokhoon asked as he looked at his girlfriend in concern.

"We need your help."

- • -

Everyone knows about the plan, except Ms.Jin. Rona and Eunbyeol were going to fake a fight and that'll help Eunbyeol get out of Ms.Jin's sight.

Soon the plan took action. Rona and Eunbyeol got into the fake argument and started to fight. Eunbyeol was pushed into the corner and smeared red lipstick on her forehead to make it look like she was bleeding.

"Eunbyeol!" Ms.Jin said worriedly as she looked at the girl.

"Let's get her to the infirmary," Seokhoon says and Arden nodded grabbed Eunbyeol's arm.

The two hurriedly got Eunbyeol out the school as Ms.Jin ran to the infirmary. They got Eunbyeol out the school and into a taxi. Once the door was shut, Arden grabbed Rona's key from her pocket.

"This is the key to Rona's house. When you get there, go straight to her room and stay quiet," Arden explained as she handed Eunbyeol the key.

"Why can't I go to your house?" Eunbyeol asked as she looked at Arden.

"Too risky. Mr.Jo is working from home for awhile and her stepmom is always home" Seokhoon answered and then looked at the driver. "Take her to Hera Palace. Quickly please!"

The driver nodded and drove off as Ms.Jin ran out the school as the car was gone out of sight.

"You brat!" Ms.Jin yelled angrily at Arden and raised her hand to slap her, but Seokhoon stopped her.

"Please stop this! You're looking like a psycho right now" he said as he dropped her arm.

"I will find Eunbyeol and make you guys pay" Ms.Jin said as she stormed off angrily, trying to find Eunbyeol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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