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"STEVE, LOOKS LIKE WE'VE GOT COMPANY," NATASHA SAID THROUGH HER EARPIECE. The woman manoeuvred her way through the busy streets of Milan, Italy, chasing after a group of HYDRA agents who had stolen a 'package' containing extra-terrestrial blood that was being held by the Italian government for testing.

"I don't see anything," Steve Roger's voice rang through Nat's ear while he knocked out another HYDRA agent with his shield.

"Southeast building from where you are. On the rooftop," Nat replied. Steve looked up, climbing on the roofs of market stalls and balconies of apartments to get a better look, meanwhile Hawkeye was shooting HYDRA soldiers on Steve's trail from afar.

Steve spotted what Nat was talking about, a figure, clad in a dark coloured bodysuit, lying on their stomach with a scope to their eye, gaze following one specific HYDRA soldier that was carrying the package.

Clint had jumped in front of the group of HYDRA agents carrying the package, cutting them off and sending the four soldiers into a panic. Natasha quickly caught up behind them, cornering the group of thieves. 

"Clint, you wanna take good cop or bad cop?" Nat played, looking over the HYDRA agent's shoulder to meet eyes with Clint.

"You know, I haven't played good cop in a-" He was cut off by the HYDRA soldiers setting the package down and splitting up to charge at the two Avengers. "Bad cop it is," Clint said as he sent a kick to one of the soldier's faces.

Nat took on two at once, easily kneeing one in the gut and winding him, giving her the change to twist the other by his arm and flip him around, jerking him forward to make him headbut his teammate before letting Clint shoot an arrow into his stomach.

"God, they're like ants from hell, there's always more of them," Clint groaned when another three soldiers came into view. His problems were quickly solved when Steve jumped down from a balcony, throwing his shield like a boomerang and knocking all three out. "Oh, thanks."

"Is that all of them?" Nat asked before holding two fingers to her earpiece and saying, "Someone come get this blood before a tourist buys it as a souvenir."

"We've got one more," Steve replied, his gaze trailing to the rooftop he had seen the other figure on.

"I don't think that's HYDRA, this is someone else..." Nat trailed off as an aircraft hovered over them to pick up the package and the Avengers. A ladder descended from the plane, as did a claw to pick up the large container of highly toxic alien blood.

The three climbed up the ladder and sat in the small aircraft, a SHIELD agent seated in the pilot's seat.

"Let's let the Italian authorities deal with it," Steve declared.

Nat looked out the window as the ship passed the figure, and thought the figure looked familiar. She knew they looked familiar.

"Wait, stop," She ordered the pilot, who obeyed. She pressed a couple buttons to open the door as the ship lowered over the building.

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