Tyrion IV

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They sat in the small council chambers, in silence. Stannis's letter, brought by Lord Gyles Rosby, sat in the middle of the table. Half folded and more than a little torn around the edges where Cersei had raged against the words.

Tyrion's eyes scanned the room, to his fellow members of the small council, to try and gage their reactions. Varys appeared shocked, though could anyone be sure? LittleFinger's face remained neutral. Pycelle looked outraged and mumbled curses to the Lord of Dragonstone. Cersei's lip trembled, in rage or in fear, or both, he could not tell. Kayne seemed quite amused by his uncles words, though Tyrion could also see some worry in his eyes. Most likely worry for Tommen and Myrcella. If the Lords of Westeros believed that the three royal children were not in fact Robert's but Bastards born of incest between Tyrion's siblings, then the two of them would be in danger. He then looked to the empty chair that belonged to the Lord Commander of the King's Guard. Before Tyrion had arrived back in King's Landing, Joffrey had dismissed Ser Barristan Selmy as the Lord Commander. The old Knight reportedly killed three Lannister men armed with nothing before fleeing the city, most likely to Lord Stannis on Dragonstone.

"This is an outrage, it is now more than a ploy of low cunning from Stannis to give legitimacy to his rebellion!" Pycelle shook with rage as he spoke. The letter told only the truth, Tyrion knew. Stannis was the rightful heir to the iron throne, but if that was to come to fruition, there would be many heads on spikes and Tyrion's among them. Stannis's letter was clear and direct, he was laying claim to Westeros on the grounds that Robert left no legitimate son, that Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella were bastards born of incest between Jaime and Cersei. How he knew the truth Tyrion did not know, and he did not image he would be around to ask him.

"We must do nothing. Any reaction will merely give strength to these... lies." Cersei frowned as she spoke.
"Every Lord and lady in the seven kingdoms would have been sent this letter. From the broken arm of Dorne to The Wall they will know. From the highest Lord to the lowest gutter rat, it will be the talk of the Seven Kingdoms." Kayne pointed out, with a slight smirk that made Cersei's frown grow.
"Do you find this amusing bastard?" She spat.
"No your grace, I am merely smiling preemptively as I know you shall come up with a plan to put these rumours to rest and shame my uncle for his lies." Kayne's acting was half convincing Tyrion thought, if only the entire city did not know that the bastard and the Queen despised one another, then it may have been entirely believable.

"You should watch your tongue! Joff could have you executed for your uncles treasons!" Cersei spat as she spoke in rage, Kayne merely wiped her spittle from his face and leaned back in his chair rather casually.
"He could, perhaps he should. But need I remind you that my cousin has your beloved brother? Should any harm befall me, Sansa, or Arya if your men are competent enough to find her, Jaime's head will roll just as Eddard Stark's did." Kayne replied. Cersei's fists clenched and unclenched, but she turned her attentions away from him and back towards the letter.

The rest of the small council had been watching Kayne and Cersei's argument with great interest, LittleFinger in particular seemed to have enjoyed the show.
"Something must be done." The Spider spoke up. "He is making you out to be some kind of whore." He added. Not a whore, Tyrion thought, Stannis never claimed that Jaime was paying her.
"Perhaps spreading rumours of our own about Lord Stannis to combat his ones against you." Suggested Baelish as he twirled the end of his wispy beard in his forefinger.
"It would have to be something so humiliating as to give all the attention to our rumour and not his." Pycelle groaned and stuttered as he spoke. Tyrion often found himself just wishing the old man would have the good graces to just die.

"His daughter, the ugly girl with the horrible scars-" Baelish began before Kayne cut him off.
"Shireen. Her name is Shireen." He ground his teeth as he spoke and Tyrion saw his fists clench at the notion of his cousin being harmed.
"The girl is Stannis's only child, or is she...." Baelish continued.
"Are you suggesting Lord Stannis has a bastard or two? No one would believe that." Tyrion replied.
"That is not what I was suggesting." LittleFinger leaned back in his chair and toyed with his beard some more. "Stannis has that terrible fool do you recall? The strange man who speaks only in riddles."
"Patchface. What of some fool from Volantis?" Kayne questioned and Tyrion could tell he was growing impatient, they all were.

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