part 36

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I don't know what game Thingo is playing but damn it's dangerous honestly I'm horny I haven't had any in a while the tight she was wearing is just too much for me her pussy was right in my face her ass the way it moved Dawg and her body it was just driving me insane she took the boys to bed came down and left again I wonder what's she's doing cause when I asked her she didn't say she's going to bed she said she will be back

I'm just glad that we not talking about all this now but we will eventually talk about it I'm glad we talk and we in the same room although it's not like before but yeah she cleaned for me and did my laundry I guess I'm not loosing my wife anytime soon

"Nkosana"I look up and she's wet she just has a towel on she has some bubbles here and there and her towel is short I guess she was bathing "Haibo...hello"she waves her hand

"Uhmm yeah..yes"I say after clearing my throat

"Please come fix the bathroom light it just burnt tried doing it but I need I need one"she says I can hear what she's saying but my main focus her lips

"Uhmm sure okay"she nods and smiles then walks away I see her butt cheeks a little when she walks away I stand up and I see my guy is bulging I'm semi hard I walk to the pantry and get an extra bulb I walk to the room and it smells sweet and erotic before you enter the bathroom I get in and it's all steamy and it smells erotic more plus a bit sweet the smell alone is a turn on the only light here is from the room and outside she's standing next to the tub looking at me I fix the light I walk to turn it on and when I turn she is already naked and getting in the tub shit

"Fuck no" I say low

"Did you say something"she says

"Hayi Thingo"I say while walking out if I didn't hear properly I'd say she's giggling I walk to the closet and get my swim shorts I will do few laps cause no this ain't on I change then go to the pool I do few laps and I end up chilling there I see her wearing black silk short summer gown and she's wearing slippers and she walks up to me and just look at her

"You will get flue why you swimming"she says walking to get a towel she's naked I know when my wife is naked and be is naked this is the devil's work stru she comes back and hands it to me and she walks back inside I get out and dry myself she wants to play this game then it's on


I have him where I want him he tried cooling off he just walked in I guess his going to bath I've switch on the heater so it's a little warm it's hot but I want reason to open my gown a little I drink three shots of tequila and I pour my wine in a big wine glass I go sit down I hear him walk I place my feet on the couch his opening the fridge I guess he wants beer he comes back

"It's hot in here"he says sitting down he just had a shower his wearing shorts his topless his arms and all yes his sexy "earth to you"he says I look at his face and he raises his eyebrow

"Uhmm yeah but I can't switch the the aircon cause off sinus it's late plus mosquito"I say and I play a movie with some sex scenes

We both silent and we watching the moving his moving his leg a lot he stands up

"Do you want a refill"I nod and smile he takes my glass I decide to lay on my stomach and reveal a little he comes back and he coughs

"Ohh thank you...I hope that's not flue"I say taking my glass and he shakes his head he gulps his beer I see the dick print no undies and his semi hard "ohh thanks for the flowers Mr"I say and he smiles  I then continue watching the movie I'm wet now cause girl is being fucked through and the guy isn't letting her go I gulp my wine and stand up my gown opens a little jackpot I bend to fix my shoes

Thingolwenkosazana:Choosen For MeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat