Erwin Smith [Female Reader]

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My Dearest Friend

You are the childhood friend of Erwin Smith. You've been his friend since the incident with his father. You followed him in the scouts much to his dislike. While others didn't believe his stories you always did. You would do anything for him.

There isn't many things that Erwin is grateful for. Many of the things he was grateful for are no longer with him. His mother and father are one of those things. But when it was dark there was light. A light that he never wishes to lose. The world would pay if he lost his light. Everyone would.

Erwin sat at his desk doing his normal paperwork. Which consisted of the many soldiers he's lost during different missions. But the paperwork was harder this time. Since the lost of his arm everything is harder. Even the simple things. Forgetting that he can't do everything himself was hard. He never was the one to ask for help.

Y/N gently opened the door as to not disturb him "Erwin? Are you busy? I wanted to possibly see if you wanted to walk with me"

Erwin had a slight smile on his lips. Every time he heard her voice he couldn't help but smile.

"Well I'm not too busy. I could join you on a walk. I could use a break" a sigh escaped his lips.

Y/N frowned her brows. Lately Erwin has been off. And she knew that "is everything alright? I've noticed you been acting strange lately" she shut the door softly.

A small chuckle escaped Erwins lips "nothing gets pass you huh? That's why I made you a captain. You are always sharp"

The tall blonde man gently stroked her hair. Y/N was now more concerned. Not only did it make Y/N feel better when he stroked her hair but it also made Erwin feel better. And she knew that. Meaning that something was wrong with Erwin.

"Erwin Smith you better tell me wants wrong. I swear I'll take off the other arm if you lie to me" Y/N firmly told him. She always stood her ground. Especially with him.

Erwin patted her head and just smiled "Y/N you are worrying for nothing. I'm perfectly fine. I can stroke your hair for other reasons you know. You should go rest. You still need to heal from your injury"

Y/N just starred at him. She knew he was lying. But yet she didn't have the energy to argue back. Erwin Smith was a stubborn man.

"I'm only letting it go because you look tired..try and get some sleep commander" A small smile formed as she left his office.

Erwin let out a sigh. As much as he hated to hide things from his friend this was for the best. It was for the best that Y/n didn't know. But before he could go on with his plan he had to settle some things first.

The short black haired man walked himself into Erwins office. The short man could tell something was wrong with his tall friend. Just like Y/N, Levi also could tell something was wrong.

"Erwin are you ok? You've been acting strange lately. And it's worrying Y/N" Levi spoke.

The tall blonde man just let out a soft chuckle "you worry about Y/N probably more then me Levi. And here I thought I was the only one whose in love with her"

A small blush creeped on Levi's cheeks. It wasn't a secret that Erwin had strong feelings towards Y/N. But only Erwin knew that Levi also felt the same way.

"I never said anything like that. I'm just worried for a friend. You gonna change the subject again or you gonna tell me what's going on?" The short man glared up at his commander.

Erwin sat down at his desk. He continued his paperwork like normal "Levi if something happens to me I trust that you will watch after Y/N yes? Not only do I know you feel the same as I do about her but I also know you are the only one who I can trust with this task"

The only thing Levi did was listen. He knew Erwin was right. But why was he saying this randomly? What the hell was Erwin planning?

"And because of that I know that when I die you will treat her like the princess she deserves to be treated like. I may not be her husband or anything but I do still want her to have that family she wants. And I trust that when I'm gone you will help her with that" As Erwin spoke he stood up. He watched out the window. His eyes on Y/N.

Levi was now more confused. Why the hell wouldn't Erwin just tell his feelings to Y/N and give her the family they both want?

"Erwin why the hell can't you just tell Y/N your feelings. Both of your dreams are the same. You both want a family. And you both know how you feel about one another. What is stopping you?" Levi grew more concerned. The way Erwin was talking was concerning.

Erwin turned towards his short friend "Levi tomorrow I will die. Me and many other soldiers will die. That's the reason why I won't be able to tell Y/N how I feel. And it's why I trust you will give her the life she deserves"

-The next day-

This was the hardest part of being injured. It's difficult to not be able to help. And that's exactly what Y/N is dealing with. Due to her injury from yesterday she wasn't able to join the latest mission. She starred out the window watching for Erwin and Levi. She wanted to see them on their horses riding back into town.

Finally what felt like hours there was Levi and the other soldiers riding on their horses in town. Y/N wasted no time running down to see them. But something was wrong.

"Levi! Levi you made back!" Y/N smiled up at him.

Levi only sighed and got off his horse "You should be resting. You know I would have came and visited you"

She shook her head "I'm fine now. I'm kinda upset Erwin didn't let me join the mission. Speaking of which where is the blondie?"

The color on Levi's face drained. How could he tell her? How could he tell Y/N he was gone?

"Levi..where is Erwin? Where he is?!" Y/N immediately knew but apart of her didn't want it to be real.

"Y/N im sorry..but he didn't make it. Erwin..Erwin sacrifice himself to save Armin" A single tear fell down Levi's cheek.

Y/N dropped to her knees. A scream left her lips. It almost was like a wife who lost her husband. And to her that's exactly what it felt like.

Levi knelt down and wrapped his arms around her. Y/N only sobbed into his arms. With as much care as he could, Levi carried Y/N to her bedroom. Levi had one more order to for fill for Erwin.

"Y/N I need to give you something..Erwin gave it to me before he died" Levi gently stroked her head.

The crying girl nodded. Levi took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Y/N. She wiped her tears and read the note.

To my dearest friend,

If you are reading this then that means I have passed. But I do not want you to cry. I do not want you to grieve. I only want you to be happy. I want you to live on with me in your heart. I never got a chance to tell you my true feelings because even I can be shy. I have always cherish you. You are the light of my life. The moment I saw you I knew you were the one for me. My dearest Y/N I love you so very much. I will always love you and I cannot wait to see you again. Please live your life with Levi and have those dreams of yours come true.

Your dear friend,
Erwin Smith

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