sexist pig

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hey, I hope you're enjoying the story sorry I haven't updated in a while.

TW: sexism and swearing 



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It was probably 12 degrees and raining in Rome at the moment I had just moved in not far from the centre of Rome so I decided to explore the city. "Hey what the hell do you think you're wearing?" a tall man asks walking up to me "excuse me?" I ask looking down at my shirt I had on a Metallica shirt that I had gotten years ago, "Why are you wearing that shirt bitch?" he yells "is that any of your business?" I ask. "Hey!" A tall blond boy says walking over "what gives you the right to talk to her like that?" He asks standing protectively in front of me  "she shouldn't get to wear a shirt like that if she doesn't listen to the band it's a disgrace" he says angrily. "First of every rock band would be pissed at your gatekeeping and I do listen to Metallica," I say stepping in front of the blond boy "do you really want me to believe this tiny little girl listens to Metallica? name one song," he demands  "hmm just one you douche how about, Orion, unnamed feeling, st anger, unforgiven, fade to black, fight fire with fire. Do I need to continue?" I ask pissed "bitch" he mutters walking away "sexist pig!" the blond boy yells as he walks away from us.

"Oh right, hi I'm Thomas" He introduces "Y/N,"  I say smiling. Thomas offers to show me around and we end up spending a few hours chatting about music "  You should come for dinner my bandmates would love you" Thomas offers "unless you already have plans" he says quickly "I'd love to come what time?" I ask  "I'm happy to pick you up a 7?" he asks "sure, here's my number," I say handing him a card with my number and walking back to my apartment.  

Thomas POV

"Hey, guys I invited a new friend for dinner her name is Y/N," I tell Vic Dami and Ethan "ooo potential  girlfriend?" Damiano asks wiggling his eyebrows "no Dami she's nice but I think she's gay" I tell him. " We're just friends, she just moved to Rome," I say hitting Damiano,


I'm not very good at dressing for occasions I either go way too much or way too little. Thomas had told me he was in Måneskin, I knew a little about the band and had a good idea of what level I should dress to (image above). "Hey Thomas," I say as I swing open the door. "Hey everyone this is Y/N," Thomas says gesturing to me there were 3 other people sitting at a table. We ended up talking and laughing all night it was fantastic they were probably the kindest people I'd met "so Y/N why'd you move to Italy?" Damiano asks "I moved for work I was offered a job as a manager at a music production company," I say smiling. "Oh shit it's almost midnight," Vic says checking her watch "I'll drive Y/n home" she offers "thank you but I can walk it's fine," I say not wanting to be an issue "no it's midnight I'll drive you," Vic says."Damn, I'm tired" Vic complains "wanna come in for some coffee?" I offer, and Vic nods.


Y/N's apartment was large but piled with boxes "sorry I haven't had a chance to unpack yet". I looked around her apartment there were stacks of books all over "wow you read a lot" I say admiring the books lining a wall "oh haha yeah I guess I do" she says blushing "is this yours?" I ask admiring a 1961 Gibson EB-3 bass "oh yeah there's a bunch of other instruments in there" Y/n says pointing to a room at the end of the hall "Can I?" I ask walking to the door "of course" she smiles walking in. "Holy shit," I say looking around there were basses, guitars even a drum kit "do you play these?" I ask "I do, but since I help record and produce music it's helpful to have my own little studio" she smiles. 

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" I ask sitting at the breakfast bar "no why?" Y/n asks with a sceptical eye, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow, what is something you want to see in Rome?" I ask nervous "I'd love to, um I've always wanted to see The Galleria Borghese" she smiles shyly "well then how about tomorrow we go?" I suggest "I'd love that" Y/N smiles her smile was soft and calm different from the one she had on when we were at dinner "what time shall I pick you up? 10?" I ask "that works for me," Y/N says taking a sip of coffee "oh it's late I better go," I say hugging Y/n and thanking her for the coffee.

So yes maybe I did have a crush on Y/N or maybe I spent all night learning about The Galleria Borghese because I wanted to, I learnt all about Dosso Dossi, Correggio and a bunch of others so I could talk to Y/n about them. I had only known her a day but she seemed smart, there were pictures on her Instagram of her with awards, in museums and all these other places I spent ages just looking through her photos until I fell asleep my head filled with Y/N. 


I couldn't sleep I had some work to do even though I didn't start my new job for a week they had sent me a few bands and singers I may work with and to my surprise, Maneskin was one of them. I spent the night reading up on all the artists and their styles. As I was about to sleep my phone buzzed "hey Antonio" I say looking at the ID "yoo you need to get down the party is crazy, I know you don't understand the word party but come on its great" a very drunk Antonio slurs into the phone "Antonio I moved to Italy you know that why are you calling me?" I asked rolling my eyes "oh right my bad well have fun in Italy go to a party get drunk at a festival it will be good for you" he says and hangs up Antonio was my older brother by a year. He had been the one going to parties in high school I'm pretty sure he want to enough parties for the both of us which hadn't changed 6 years later he was still going to parties and I was still up all night studying. 


I picked Y/N up and we ended up walking to the Gallery because it was only a 15-minute walk from her place "thanks for doing this" she says shyly "we're friends now you don't need to thank me for hanging out with you" I laugh and playfully hit her.  As we began to wander in and out of the 20 rooms filled with art I watched as her eyes got wide and she began to tell me about the artworks "sorry" she says blushing "I'll stop I just info dumped about probably 12 paintings in 10 minutes" she laughs. "No, no don't stop I like it," I say truthfully she began to tell me all about the art lining the walls and every once in a while she would grab my hand and pull me over to a new piece. She pulled me over to a piece she called 'The Titans" but this time she kept holding my hand.

 Throughout the whole day all I could do was watch her she was like a kid in a candy store after about 3.5 hours Y/n asks if I want lunch but in my daze of watching her I wasn't listening "Vic?" she asks "sorry um yeah lunch sounds good" I say blushing. We decided to eat lunch in a park nearby, I noticed Y/n watching me "do  I have something on m face?" I ask myself consciously "no" is all she says before leaning in and pressing our lips together. I immediately kiss her back and pull her into my lap to deepen the kiss.


  Sorry this one-shot was so long but I hope you enjoyed it 

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