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chapter song ^^ Hey Pocky A-away- The Meters

chapter song ^^ Hey Pocky A-away- The Meters

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I'm a huge believer in reciprocating energy. Treat people accordingly, be nice to nice, that sort of idea. At the same time, I do tend to overthink things.

Occasionally, I get so deep into analyzing every social interaction I have, that I can't tell what's actually real or made up in my head. Sometimes, I misread a situation and come to my own incorrect conclusion.

I'm hoping this is one of those times.

Maybe I'm coming to my own conclusion that Harry hates my guts already when really, it's all a big misunderstanding. Fair enough, my arrival slipped his mind for whatever reason, which was probably an honest mistake.

Therefore, I'm sure he was a little annoyed to find a strange woman cooking and singing in his kitchen. Maybe I got a little in my head about it and took everything he was saying ruder than he meant it to be.

I recognize that I can be a bit of a brat at times when I don't get my way or if don't pan out the way I expect them to. I didn't expect to have to do any kind of manual labor to stay here or have a decent place to lay my head.

Whittier is different than I'm used to, meaning I'll have to suck it up and accept that I'm not in Seattle anymore if I want to get this story.

The majority of the night was spent tossing and turning in my sleep thinking about all of this and overanalyzing it. Melatonin supplements had been my best friend for the past however many years, but of course, I forgot to pack it when I needed it most.

After a while, I had to force myself to fall asleep since I was told I needed to be up early in the morning. The birds started chirping as soon as dawn broke through and the sun began to rise.

I spent about fifteen minutes looking at the ceiling, contemplating how I would apologize to Harry about getting off on the wrong foot. We need to have a good relationship if we want to have a healthy experience sharing this space together for as long as I'm here.

It feels weird not being able to do my normal morning routine and it makes waking up early that much harder. When I sit up and stretch, I notice a towel and washcloth laid across the chair in the corner of my room.

He can't be that much of an asshole, he has some sense of hospitality.

I wasn't even fully awake yet, I just really had to fucking pee and I needed to start getting ready. My eyes were still half-closed as I ripped my washcloth and towel from the chair, threw them over my shoulder, and stumbled blindly to the bathroom across the hall.

The light was left on from what I could see and I went to stand right in front of the sink. Eyes still half-open with crust and eye boogers, I run the tap and splash my face with cold water. I keep my eyes squeezed shut when I grab the rag and run it through the water to wet it. Once I ring it dry, I wipe my eyes and face to get rid of the excess water.

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